Are you paying more taxes now then you were in 2000 Core? Did you not receive a stimulus check? People like you keep insisting the middle class didn\'t receive any tax relief from Bush and that only the rich did.
Bullshit. I am paying less taxes now then I was eight years ago. Notice how Nobama\'s threshold for rich keeps getting lower and lower? $250k to $150K - the man is a liar and hasn\'t the first clue about economics. You don\'t raise taxes on anyone in a recession. Haven\'t we already learned this from history?
I donated my stimulus checks to charity, but that\'s beside the point. I never stated the middle class didn\'t receive tax relief under Bush. However, both Bush AND McCain\'s tax policies do favor the rich. That is clear to everyone.
If McCain\'s tax proposal will help the middle class, then you can only conclude that Obama\'s proposal will help even
more. The poor and middle class spend their income in the local community, benefiting the overall economy. The rich spend their income on imported luxury goods and abstract financial instruments that do not directly increase job growth in the US economy.