Part of the reason racism exists is because you have that preconceived notion in your head that it does.
Did you not see snippets of it during the campaign?...yes you did, i\'m not making that stuff up, yes race relations are becoming better, but all i\'m saying is that it still exists.
Look around we have minorities represented at almost every job. In fact minorities get preference for many positions.
That sometimes can be a double-edged sword, i think it\'s great that minorities are getting jobs and by preference do you mean when a company has a quota to meet in terms of hiring miniorities? While i do feel companies should hire the best person for the job, the very fact that affirmitive action is in place shows that race still plays a role in hiring minorities. I\'m all for having the best guy for the job, but if a company doesn\'t hire a minority because of his race and he\'s clearly the better person, that\'s wrong.
On the flip side of that tho, if a company is just hiring a minority for the sake of going thru the motions and a quota to meet, that\'s not benefiting the said minority either.
Also clips, how is making a big deal out of race helping the cause?
I already answered folks are emotional over this because of the history of america...again not only blacks feel this way...if you looked into the crowd, you saw asians, whites,latino\'s, Indian people crying and feeling extremely proud of what was taking just hits home a little bit more for black folks.....that jena 6 incident wasn\'t that long ago...that incident where a black man was dragged in the back of a truck on a dirt road until body broke apart wasn\'t that long ago either, and finally the incident that took place in W.VA where some hillbilly\'s kidnapped and tortured a black woman for about 3 weeks(they beat her, raped her, shaved her head and burned her with cigarette buds and stab her on a daily basis) all these incidents happened within the span of maybe 1 - 6 years ago. Again this is why black folks especially are emotional over this.
I\'m sure the racial impact of it will die down just means alot for black folks to witness this event...just think of it this way, when the cardinals whoop the steelers ass at the SB you\'re going to hear the cards celebrate for a looong time, why? because that will be the clubs first ever SB appearance and win...almost symbolic as to what is happening on the presidential level.
The only people I hear use the "N" word is african americans themselves referring to each other. Yet if I use it, I\'m a racist.
No argument here..i agree 100%..i used to say that word in my youth, but not\'s incredibly ignorant for black folks to say that to one another but want to scream racism when another group uses it.