I love sour and spicey foods but man, hot wings...too far.
I remember at university I wanted to try them out. I ordered them and when I received these bad boys I could feel my eyes tearing up. I decided to eat them back in my dorm room in case I wimped out and what a smart decision that turned into. Could barely stomach one. It burned my throat and especially my lips since it was cold and dry Canadian weather. Brutal, 7 wings, threw em all out. My lips feel like they\'re going to burn just remembering them...
It really takes something special for me to read a super hero comic.
My two favorite books right now are The Walking Dead (all-time favorite) and Young Liars.
Something about Kirkman\'s writing bothers me. The way he uses captions in Invincible titled me to no end. I only read one issue of Walking Dead, and hate the fact that its black and white. When I buy a comic, I expect the art to be pretty enough to enjoy in itself without the words. The issue I read was 48 and everyone died so yeah I have no real interest in unrealistic massive zombie death stories anymore. Fucking hate zombies I\'m probably going to have another zombie dream tonight and I BLAME YOU.
Dunno how you can ignore superhero comics. Some great stories exist in worlds with no budgets and limitations. Grant Morrison obviously writes the shit out of Batman and in my mind All-Star Superman is the greatest story of the decade. Anything Geoff Johns writes is usually gold. Green Lantern is considered by many to be the best monthly comic right now. Kingdom Come and Watchmen are probably the best piece the medium ever produced.
The only non superhero stories I own are Y: Last Man (fucking brilliant), Invisibles...I think that\'s it.