I\'ve been running Vista Ultimate at work for over a year without a crash or slowdown or any problem. I develop on 2 different platform, my PC really gets busy.
Finding folders isn\'t confusing as hell anymore either
I dont understand ? explorer is the same. Crumble Bar(sp?) at the top is the same as vista. The only difference are the new Librairies which are kickass hehe.
I\'ve installed Win7 on my work machine (clean install. core2 e6850, 4gig ram). After the quick format, the installation took 13 minutes to boot and have my desktop ready. I did a quick run around changing my folder options. downloaded Firefox and AVG. reboot. install Lotus Notes 8.5, Eclipse Studio 6.1, Adobe reader9, photoshop 7, foobar, office 2007, messenger.. reboot.
everything worked with no trouble. I had a problem with one network printer and it\'s only because I needed to download the x64 drivers. It\'s been 7 days now. My computer is more responsive then it was before.