Sony slammed MS so incredibly hard it\'s hilarious...\'s true that used game fees are around, but Sony is being smart in saying that if there are fees, it will be from the dev\'s and publishers...not them.
The dev\'s and publishers were the folks that was pushing this thing with the used games fees all along and i understand why, but it\'s silly,...what MS is doing as far as you sharing games with friends and other restrictions tho, is strickly something MS is doing to have complete control over the consumer.
Sony won alot of MS customers with not locking used games or having games tied to your account...just give the games to your friends and family freely (it\'s absurb that we even have to look at this as some type of luxury)...but then there was the price...$399....Sony has truly learned their lesson from the arrogance they displayed concerning the ps3.
Paying for online is a no-brainer and i saw this was absorbing alot of the maintenance costs by having free online and with them being in the red for most of the ps3\'s life, they are going to have to recoup some of those losses and it keeps the the ps3 price down by having this\'s really not different from xbox live in that sense and people pay that with no problem...
I think totals to about $60 a year which isn\'t that bad...