Why did I call you a jackass? because you are.
Who emailed who? Oh that\'s right, you emailed me in my personal email box. Not the other way aroundas if I came to your personal space and attacked you. It was totally the oter way around.
Why flame you? you nevr answer my damn questions. You just call me a fanboy. Of what, I don\'t know. Just a fanboy in general.
WHy do I take it offensive when people insult the DC? Well people will say things such as "Sega is gonna die and it would be stupid to buy one." Hmm, that statement, closely made by many peopl on this board, especially on thi section of the board, is essentially making fun of me and other owners of the DC. So kindly let them know where they can put there informative opinions. I have said before that I do not come here to be an ambassador to idiots who would like to think they can get away with posting total BS half the time, I correct them. I don\'t have to, nor will I, do it nicely. There is just no point. After all, this is a MESSAGE BOARD. This aint real life. People don\'t come up to my house in real ife and insult me and my opinions, otherwise, I would kindly let them know where they were wrong.
How did I get elected? I told them I would fight for open campus, which will be going into effect next year. I missed out on it, but I made it so the next generation and class get to have it. I also pushed for a better technology lab from the Public School Board.
I called you a Jackass because you flamed me for no reason. These people do not need to know that you like to email me in your spare time for nonsensical arguing in which nothing gets solved. Here is how the equation goes:
You yell and scream at me demanding that I answer quetions. I answer the questions and ask you a couple. You, instead of answering my questions, make fun of me. While doing it, you ask more questions, and I answer them.
This goes on and on until eventually you are banned and I stop reading your emails as I really cannot stand when peole are as my signature goes. You shoudl chack up on it sometime.
NOW who needs to learn some manners and how to argue. Seems like I do all the right things except for be nice to people. Well, I am sorry that I am not nice to some facelss person who comes in and bashes me and my opinions, when he does that, He is going to get bashed by me. You and others may not like it, bcause you are on the receiving end of this crap I have to take care of.
Don\'t flame me = I won\'t bash you and shoot down your asanine comments. GOT IT?
:rolleyes: I still have not had any of my answers from you yet regarding Charlie\'s thread, or through tthose emails you love to send me. I am waiting. Or are you gonna pussout because as you read my replies,y ou find out what a jackass yo are when you flame me for no reason.
I stated my reason. WHERE THE **** IS YOURS?
/end rant
Eric Jacob