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Author Topic: All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.  (Read 6028 times)

Offline AlteredBeast
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2000, 06:18:05 PM »
You Jack Ass, quit flaming me. You know you can\'t feasibly argue with me using valid points so you make fun of the fact that I enjoy playing under-performing systems. Also, I never said, NEVER SAID, that I had a Jaguar Dev. Kit, I said I was getting one. You are an a true idiot, and for a 34 year old, you have alot to learn about arguing.

You make these console debates what they are, stupid, with all this crap about flaming people for nothing other than your own inferiority complex dealing with the size of your ego, your ****, and your videogamer status. Let me tell yuo something, IT AINT THAT IMPORTANT.

Also, no Jaguar is not even close to being the best system, it has it\'s classics! I said it has it classics, I never said it was better than any other system, just that it has good games. you are So gay. I can\'t enjoy a system that had no popularity because this idiot on a messageboard thinks it is dumb.

Eric Jacob
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2000, 07:12:06 PM »
in regard to altered brain......i mean beast; what the rest of the board viewers don\'t know is what you wrote to me personally for the last 3 days via e-mail.  I tried to do the board a favor and take your mindless flaming off the board and into a private forum where i could try to make an impression on you how to respect the person you are arguing with.  but your lack of maturity wouldn\'t allow you to grasp this concept.  attack the view not the person with the view.  You don\'t know anything about anyone who posts on these boards let alone think you can comment on ones intelligence.  I sorry, but does anyone out there base ones intelligence on the opinion they have on a GAME????????  Please altered beast grow up a little.  I know more about you in the last 3 days of reading your e-mails then anyone on this board.  You claim to be the class president of your high school.  You claim to be an asst mgr at an office max.
Well with your attitude/communication skills you won\'t be leading much of anything when you get out into the real world.  You simply don\'t know how to communicate with people.  Now when you respond to this with your usual.  JACKASS OR DUMMY OR IDIOT comment you will be just further demonstrating your lack of maturity and your inability to conduct an intellectual debate.  Oh and by the way you did claim to be a designer for jaguar games.  I suggest you refresh your memory.  I also said there was nothing wrong with you playing jaguar.  I said it is merely a collectors item now and it really doesn\'t warrant discussion in a console debate.  If anyone does then we might as well debate on every system ever made.  The fact that anyone takes it personally when some flames a system is ridiculous.  What did you design the system yourself?  Are you on there payroll or something.  So what, I don\'t like the DC.  Does that really bother anyone.  I love sony and am quite happy with MY gaming selection.  again does that really bother anyone?  Console debates really are a waste of time and NO ONE on this board MYSELF included are qualified to comment with any certainty on the fate of any system.  We all simply state opinions and we all know what they say about opinions.  I all honesty I am really quite board having to comment about Altered beast.  If he could just learn to write an  argument without the insults then there would be no need to flame.  When you were running for class president did you call your oponent a JACKASSS OR AND IDIOT OR DID YOU ARGUE RELEVANT ISSUES?  i would really like to know because if you did the latter then why can\'t you do that here.  Just because your annonymous and no one can confront you personally doesn\'t give you the right to let loose on who ever you wish.  You are quite the coward and i wonder why you haven\'t been banned as of yet.  You are quite rude.

Offline ChocoboSquared
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2000, 10:08:59 PM »
i wish we could just all get along.
Square and Chocobos Rule

Offline Darth Joyda
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2000, 10:13:01 PM »
good thinking, Chocobo :)

But it\'s never going to happen in Console Debating -forum.

You\'ll have just to fit in here.

But I hope you\'ll enjoy posting here; so I welcome you here :)

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Offline AlteredBeast
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2000, 11:17:46 PM »
Why did I call you a jackass? because you are.

Who emailed who? Oh that\'s right, you emailed me in my personal email box. Not the other way aroundas if I came to your personal space and attacked you. It was totally the oter way around.

Why flame you? you nevr answer my damn questions. You just call me a fanboy. Of what, I don\'t know. Just a fanboy in general.

WHy do I take it offensive when people insult the DC? Well people will say things such as "Sega is gonna die and it would be stupid to buy one." Hmm, that statement, closely made by many peopl on this board, especially on thi section of the board, is essentially making fun of me and other owners of the DC. So  kindly let them know where they can put there informative opinions. I have said before that I do not come here to be an ambassador to idiots who would like to think they can get away with posting total BS half the time, I correct them. I don\'t have to, nor will I, do it nicely. There is just no point. After all, this is a MESSAGE BOARD. This aint real life. People don\'t come up to my house in real ife and insult me and my opinions, otherwise, I would kindly let them know where they were wrong.

How did I get elected? I told them I would fight for open campus, which will be going into effect next year. I missed out on it, but I made it so the next generation and class get to have it. I also pushed for a better technology lab from the Public School Board.

I called you a Jackass because you flamed me for no reason. These people do not need to know that you like to email me in your spare time for nonsensical arguing in which nothing gets solved. Here is how the equation goes:

You yell and scream at me demanding that I answer quetions. I answer the questions and ask you a couple. You, instead of answering my questions, make fun of me. While doing it, you ask more questions, and I answer them.

This goes on and on until eventually you are banned and I stop reading your emails as I really cannot stand when peole are as my signature goes. You shoudl chack up on it sometime.

NOW who needs to learn some manners and how to argue. Seems like I do all the right things except for be nice to people. Well, I am sorry that I am not nice to some facelss person who comes in and bashes me and my opinions, when he does that, He is going to get bashed by me. You and others may not like it, bcause you are on the receiving end of this crap I have to take care of.

Don\'t flame me = I won\'t bash you and shoot down your asanine comments. GOT IT?

:rolleyes: I still have not had any of my answers from you yet regarding Charlie\'s thread, or through tthose emails you love to send me. I am waiting. Or are you gonna pussout because as you read my replies,y ou find out what a jackass yo are when you flame me for no reason.

I stated my reason. WHERE THE **** IS YOURS?

/end rant

Eric Jacob
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Offline GameRiader
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2000, 09:04:07 PM »
im not satan or anything.....but im likin dis. hehe.

Offline Stealth-7
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2000, 09:48:42 PM »
What a stupid thread
Mess with the best and die like the rest

Losers find excuses.
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Offline AlteredBeast
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2000, 09:48:50 PM »
Yup, I love arguing with complete idiots.

Notice how I have not had a response from him on ANY of the threads.

My point exactly :)

Eric Jacob
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Offline Darth Joyda
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no offence...
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2000, 12:19:05 PM »
but Stop It already!

How idiotic you want to make yourself?

Don\'t wreck the reputation of this forum.

Sorry but I had to make this statement as I\'m losing my nerves :)

Like I said... no offence. Just if you\'d see yourselves from another\'s point of view, you\'d see how idiotic and meaningless this argument is.

Two words... Who cares?

Sorry but you don\'t have to convince yourselves all the time. All of us are unique persons. So be it. Get it?
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« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2000, 09:12:40 AM »
who really cares about which console is better.  If you like DC and your happy with it then that is all that matters.  I love my PS2 and I am completely satisfied with it.  I won\'t buy a DC because I will only have one system.  I don\'t have the time or the need to have more than one system.  All systems have good games and if a system has the right combination of games you like to play then there you go.  This whole console debating is really nothing more then rants and raves and it\'s better suited for that forum.

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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2000, 03:27:53 PM »
eternal darkness go suckle your mothers nipple cry baby.

Offline @iReS
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All of you are biased Sony Fanboys.
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2000, 03:35:46 PM »
yeah who cares about the power of a system, but it if you like it and that is that
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