It plays online and offline. Some of the missions, including new ones you can download, can only be played online. I hear it plays sort of liek Diablo. But I don\'t know,never played it. But, IGN gave it EXCELLENT previews.
Graphics do not matter, Ddaryl or SyxxKorn. It is about RPG fundamentals. In my opinion there is always something lacking in their games that gives them a below 40 or even 39 or 38. Maybe the gross over-use of random battles. or the in FF8, the fact that you don\'t really have to use magic, just GFs all the time. The confusing storylines. The severe concentration on how the game looks, than how it plays.
I am going to go on and bet that FF10 does not even get a 38. I am saying if Square sticks with their formulas for the nmext FF, it will be just that, ANOTHER FF. Nothing new, nothing exciting (besides, of course, the pretty graphics), same ole random battles, etc. That is why I look forward to new RPG series. Or ones at the start of their sequelization when they still have some fresh ideas or storys. Like Grandia Series, Lunar Series, Phantasy Star Series, Shining Force Series, Chrono Trigger Series, Valkyrie Profile, Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue (sort of an RPG
) etc.!
Eric Jacob