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Author Topic: Games that deserve a second chance  (Read 1205 times)

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Games that deserve a second chance
« on: November 27, 2013, 08:23:43 AM »
Throughout gaming history, there have been some games that have been released to much hype but then ended up being a huge disappointment (most recently Colonial Marines  :mad: ). What are some games that you guys remember wanting so bad but then ended up being crappy? Then, what games would you like to see given a second chance?

I'm putting my vote in for Run Like Hell. I remember reading about it back when PS2 first came out (there may be a few threads here about it). I didn't get it when it released (cause I was a poor high school student, lol) so I waited. Was glad I did because the reviews were abysmal and it had a troubled development. Fast forward to college; I saw it in a bargain bin so I picked it up. I really did like it but it did have a lot of gameplay issues which I can see why it failed. The story was great and well polished. Had the voice acting of Lance Henriksen (Aliens :D). It was, I felt, ahead of its time and had characters that I felt for. Some gameplay aspects are still in games today. I never got to beat the game but from what I read about the ending it left you on a huge cliffhanger and was supposed to be a trilogy. However, because of the troubled development and the disappointment a lot of people felt, the story was never concluded.

This is my example of a game that had potential but failed and I feel it should be given a second chance because on new generation hardware, I think it could be really good, if done right. If it wasn't for the troubled development, I feel this franchise could have been one to be remembered instead of fading away.
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Re: Games that deserve a second chance
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2013, 09:30:28 AM »
Back in the PS2 days I liked the Zone of the Ender games and more recently I did like the Prototype games... I may have an affinity for playing some superpowered juggernaut smashing things...
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