I have a question for you guys. I wonder when you sleep, how do you lay down and rest your body? Do You sleep on your back? Turn your body to the left side? Or to the right side? Or do you sleep on your stomach?
As for me, if i remember correctly ever since a child growing up, i mostly sleep on my back with my head resting in the center, by that i mean facing forward, and sometimes i turned to the left side of my body to sleep, and sometimes i turned my body to the right side to sleep. But mostly, i just sleep on my back. I still remember a little bit of when i was around 10 - 11 years old in either spring or summer of 1995, I sleep on my back most of the time. I remember sleeping one night on my back for a few hours then i turned to my left side to sleep for like an hour or so then i turned to my right side to sleep for an hour or so. Then i went back to sleep on my back again for the rest of my sleep time.
After that like a year later or so, either in late 1995 or early 1996 to late 1996, because of an injury on the left side of my head, (a guy pulled my left ear so hard that the left side of my head stretched out and i got a scar on the left side of my head, not only that but my left temple was stretched out and i got a lump there too, i also got a left lump on my upper left side of my face). i started sleeping on the right side of my body. by that i mean i turned my body and my head to the right and sleep. Not just turn my whole body to the right but almost all the way to the front like a 180° and sleep on my stomach with the right side of my head on pillow and the left side of my head face up.
That time, i never question or pay attention on how do i lay down when i sleep. Until recently is when i pay attention and notice that i been sleeping with my body and my head turn all the way to the right and sleep on my stomach. So for 18 to 19 years already, i almost always been sleeping like that. Rarely do i sleep with my body turn to the left side and even more rare do i sleep on my back with my head center.
Lately i been thinking after about 4 years sleeping like that, in year 2000, I no longer finds Asian or Black men attractive but only White men. Not until late January 2013 when i tried to sleep on the left side of my body on a sofa with lots of cushion pillows on head and legs to make an U arch. I take an hour or so nap sleeping like that for 5 days and i finally find Asian men attractive again. That was a surprise. So I tried to take naps sleeping like that on everyday or almost everyday for like 2 to 3 months or so if i remember correctly and i still find Asian men attractive. Afterward I sleep elsewhere not at my mom's house and i think i slept on the right side of my body almost all the time again. I rarely find Asian men attractive again.
Not only that but when i wake up and whenever i stand up and walk or sit down. My head and my back tilted to the right side. I didn't realize that until early last year when i walking out a street from a singing place, a girl walked by and tease me by tilting her head and body to the right as she walks. That time i realize my head been tilting to the right. i didn't realize my head been like that for years, possibly as long as 18 to 19 years too.
Late last year, i tried to tilt my head to the left when i sit or even stand up, and i even try to lay down on my back to rest and sleep but i was never able to sleep on my back. it rare to seldom was i able to sleep on my left side, like maybe once a week or so if i tried. if i didn't try, it possibly once every few months. But on my back, i been trying to sleep on my back for about 2 months and i wasn't able too. If i remember correctly, i think i was able to sleep on my back maybe once every few years.
What I am trying to say is after the ear pulled when i was around 11 or 12 years old, the left side of my head is injured, and it couldn't release sleeping chemical on the left side of my head to make me sleep on my back or on the left side at night. either that or it didn't release the chemical properly to help me sleep like that at night. Back in late January 2013 and so forth, I always thought that i need to sleep like a U-shape on my left side for me to find Asian Men attractive. Like sleeping on my left side on a hammock.
Until late last year, i realized that i don't need to sleep like a U-shape on my left side. I can just sleep sleep on the left side with my body straight. But i rarely to seldom was able to sleep like that. It was also late last year is when i realize the left side of my brain finds Black men attractive too beside Asian men. I realize because of gravity or something like that i sleep on the right side of my body that blood and oxygen flows to the right side of my head that I only find White/European men and Latin men (who are mixed with White/European) attractive. Interesting.
Oh yeah, because of the injury on the left side of my head, it also broke the magnetic field and compass on that left side too that I get lost easily walking say like on a street or unfamiliar place. the compass and magnetic field on the right side of my head still works but the left side is broken that as soon as i make a turn walking around unfamiliar places, very likely i get lost. Especially if there are lots of turns. Unless someone show me direction on where to go like from back to forth then i have a decent chance of remembering it.
sorry for my long story. I am just curious on how do you guys sleep?