Originally posted by sith
I think X box will have a very close race against PS2 and Gamecube. One thing Microsoft showed us for sure is that MS knows how to be successful with a targeted industry and just remember that the industry dictates the consumers. Just like you all braging about MS windows, I bet MS Windows is the only OS you all know how to use.. ha ha... (what linux?.. i don\'t you know what you\'re talking about...)
huh.. DC??? what\'s DC??
heh he!!
Actually. I do know how to use Linux. And anyone who doesn\'t I recommend the book "RedHat Linux:Unleashed".
Your sarcastic remark about the DC wasn\'t very "smooth" either.
And this *should* of been posted in the Console Debating forum.
And how did MS prove they know how to be successful with the targeted industry? Them selling the Win OS to hardware manufactorers and selling a console successfully , are both very different. And they have no proven the latter of the two yet. All they have done so far is announce a few ports and reveal the design.
Will a MOD please move this to Console Debating?