SoulGrind Laughs.. Knowing that joyda is now no match for him. His strength has grown. But his sprit is still weak. His spirt is untrained to the world of living dead. SoulGrind knows Joyda doesn\'t know how too use his Undead powers.
SoulGrind vanishes into his own shadow. Joyda looks around, He knows he cannot die, But for a strange reason he feels cold and afraid. Afraid of what, He doesn\'t know.
Then out of nowwhere SoulGrind apears out of Joyda\'s OWN shadow. Joyda jumps backed shocked from this. SoulGrind then links his 2 undead sabres together, Making a Doubled ended light sabre. One side black, One side White.
Joyda unsure of what too do. Turns and runs as fast as he can. SoulGrind laughs, He thinks too himself "This poor fool, Doesn\'t know his feet are only in his mind. Why run in the undead world. You can fly fool".
So SoulGrind flys. High in the sky. He gets above Joyda, As joyda runs for dear life, Though he is already dead.
SoulGrind Throws his sabre straight infront of Joyda.
But joyda is looking back, Behind himself. Looking For SoulGrind. He doesn\'t notice the sabre blade sticking out of the ground. He runs right into it. Cutting himself from stomic too his private parts, and straight through.
Joyda falls too the ground.
SoulGrind using force pull. Draws his Sabre back Too himself. SoulGrind then continues too fall very fast at joyda, Aiming with his sabre at little helpless joyda\'s head. SoulGrind then MISSES, He talks too joyda, We will continue this. You will heal my little now too be student.
When u have Fully learnt this world. Then we will have a proper match. Till then. Heal and grow strong.
Stay tuned for Joyda\'s REPLY. Will Joyda be fully trained or will he be in his training. Only joyda and time will tell.