I\'m using the custom PS2 componet "GameBrain" head plug to mainline the video signal into my brain. This takes care of both the video and the audio feeds and has the added plus of not needing a controller. Once you learn the mind controlls from the GameBrain\'s demo disc it\'s all pretty clear sailing from there. It was painfull having it installed but now that it\'s in i\'m pretty happy with it. If you can afford the plastic surgery mainteneace visits that are required I highly recommend this.
Be warned there are some side effects like flashbacks mostly but I think it\'s worth it overall. I had one yesterday and it was kinda cool actually. I was at fry\'s getting a copy of smugglers run and the clerk was like "cash check or charge" and all of a sudden he was wearing Ryu Hayabusa\'s ninja outfit from DOA2HC. I was all just about to put him down with a five move combo throw and then I snapped out of it and was all like "um....visa is fine".
I\'m still waiting for the hookup cables for the Dreamcast for the "GameBrain" to be released, but I hear that x-box had them in the works so that\'s a done deal. Kick Ass.