ok it\'s me back after the forum shut down, supose that MM\'s Chimp pressed the big red button again, by the way MM shouldn\'t you change your name to MMI seeing that MM is roman numerals for 2000 and MMI is 2001 ?
Any it\'s be a long time sice i have been here (well a few weeks
), and i have been doing some thinking in that time and here what i think about this "MOTHER" of all Console wars between the X Box and PS2.
ok we are about to have a full scale console war with two companyes who don\'t like to lose, plus one of them as more power and money than most of the small countryes of the world. The way it is at the moment the support for the PS2 is growin while the potental fanbase for the Xbox is growing to and both have even chances to be top dog. The power of the X Box is cancelled out by the developer support for the PS2, The wealth of Microsoft is cannaled by the loyal fanbase of sony that has seen of the likes of the Sega Saturan / Dreamcast and the Nintendo 64.The ease of use of the X BOX is both an advantage and disadvantage, due to the fact that it\'s PC Based rather than a custom chip set that the PS2 and PSX has, this ahs alowed a continual improvment in games with the PSX as developers are forced to find new ways to produce improved graphics and game play.
As a result of this both consoles have both there advantages and disadvatages, and if you ask me nither company will have the capacity or time to finish the other of, By the looks of things this is going to be a long fight, with price wars , Exclusive games and some company mud slinging. In fact if you ask me and i might be FLAMED for saying this, both Microsoft and SONY need each other, they benifit from the competition, but not as much as us. With the start of this console war , we will have cheaper games and consoles, plus the creation of bigger and better games
SO what will Finish of the X box and PS 2 ?
well it could go all the way untill both Microsoft and Sony release there next gen of consoles, the Game cube looks like a giant , but Nintendo are being too quiet for there own good plus thats at least 2 years way before the UK gamers can get ther hands on to that one ( SONY has already copyrighted the name Playstation 3) plus Microsoft is a company that dose not like to lose, so by the looks of things its going to be a long fight( back to the good old days of SEGA vs NINTENDO).
Ah at last the gamer wins again , times will be good for all SONY and Microsoft fans.