You\'re hilarious man! I visit Xbox boards, Dreamcast boards, Nintendo boards and PS2 boards. I\'m a multiconsole (minus PS2) player. I play Nintendo, Sega and soon Xbox. No insecurities on my part because if "XFLOP" flops, I can get a GC!
Either way, I\'ll make out like a fat rat! However, you fanboys will be stuck with a PS2. Who cares what system gets what games first. What\'s wrong with a port of a great game? What\'s wrong with a port with better graphics and features than the original? I don\'t see anything wrong. See, you fanboys believe that a system is better because it gets a game first. Who cares? You brag about that **** all of the time. Who gives a ****? If I get a better version of a game on Xbox then I\'m happy. You can brag all you want ooseven, but after E3, your ass belongs to the Reverend. I\'ll say no more until then.