Either Zelda, or WaveRacer. Metroids been ruined for me unless Nintnedo can pull off a miracle. Zelda was never one of my all time fav\'s, but OoT and MM were outstanding games. If the tradition continues I can\'t wait to see what the next one is like. I just hope that FMV they tried to pass off as Real-time WaveRacer footage turns out to be what the actual game looks like. Since there is no Jet Moto game planned yet, and the SingleTrac delevelopers are working on TM:B.. WaveRacer looks to be the premier JetSki title this fall.
I just hope they get many more games that appeal to me than they\'ve already got, cause I ain\'t too excited about the GC. Hopefully they won\'t fill up it\'s library with 3D platformers and Kart racers. I want RTS, I want Adventure games, I want MECHS, I want FPS\'s, and damnit.. I want a REAL Metroid!