Originally posted by PS2_IS_SUPERB
Why do we get our games a long way after the US.
I understand about the language and everything but surely the american language is the English? -Durrrr!!
Why do we get games so late????
The system should change!
What are your views?
No we don;t get treated like crap, infact in some ways it is better being last to get a game.
For example look at Final Fantasy 7
the UK version HAS extra Battles and sub bosses that where not included in the US and Japannese versions.
Just because we get them games last dose not mean that we are being treated like crap. Infact i am just glad that i do not live in Japan and bought a PS2 on launch Day, i might of been disapointed with the minnor problem with the memory card and havingto store your DVD drives on the 8meg card.
also we get all the UK games Longbefore the rest of the world.
Yup i cant wait to for Wipe out fusion and Project EDen to come out here first Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
So in short, don\'t be ashamed if your Brittish, it just means we have to wait a wee bit longer for them games