I can remember back when Final Fantasy first came out, how I awaited a second... and waited and waited... Eventually the internet had come out years later revealing that Nintendo and Square were having "Problems". Ok, so I was disapointed, we would not see another FF title for Nintendo. Being that SNES was out, that appeared under my Christmas tree on the morning of December 25th, 1991. So, I hooked it up, and was satisfied with the improvements. 1993... news struck, Final Fantasy IV(our II), was coming out... My eyes opened wide... It\'s about time... I quickly picked it up for weeks and weeks played it to death and beat it... I was proud... until I found out that once again Square was having problems with Nintendo again... That really irked me... Somehow these problems were resolved not that much later... and Final Fantasy VI(our III) had come out... what really got me angry was that instead of getting 6 games, we got 1, and 2 modified versions of japanese games(that supposedly follow in the series). Well... I had owned Nintendo... and moved onto N64... which at first was great... but then... dun dun dun... Square decided to stop making games for Nintendo... I figured they come back, but they started making games without any problems... Final Fantasy VII, which is supposedly the best game(at least best in series), and Square never came back to Nintendo... they continued to make two more successful Final Fantasy games... and even brought us a never released in US Final Fantasy V! Now I believe V had the best system of skills and abilities(get abilities from jobs[i.e. Black mage, Knight, Summoner, Ninja, Chemist, etc.]). Anyway, so your probably asking yourself what can I say about this, or what is your point, we knew all this. What were these problems, why does Nintendo continue to shun Square. Are they angry at the sucess of Sony/Square?