Gamankle = the ability to play games just but using your ankles
Windowsfobia = the Fear of pressing Cntl Alt and Delete at the same time j/k
Gatesoblisk = The pretence that you can mount your X Box verticaly
Ripofyfobia = the fear of having to pay £30 for a PS2 memery card
DVDsickness = What you get when you play a DVD in a PS2 with the wrong skart lead, look theyer all GREEN.
Trollitis = Disease that can be caught if a Troll bits you.
FanBoyitis = Disease that appears when even new technology is released
VerticalCrossEyeSyndrome = What happens to you if you tty yo peek at your mates screen during a Timesplitters Deathmatch.
MulitiCrossEyeSyndrome = Same as above but happens in 4 player mode.
Snakeimmsonia = Ever played Metal Gear Solid till the Dawn, then you will know what i mean.
SnakeSyndrome = People with this can be seen , walking close to walls and hiding from every Security Camera they see.
SnakeFlu = If you catch this you will SELL your own Grandmother to get the demo.
Merylitus = effects your movement and you start to walk as if you have something up you @ss.
Sleepyrighthandsyndrome = happens when you play over 100 consecutive hours of Dead or Alive 2 , inorder to see Lei Fang in that black number with Stockings.
Sleepylefthandsyndrome = happens when you play over 100 consecutive hours of Dead or Alive 2 , inorder to see if there is a all "nude" Costume for Tina.
Sadgitsyndrome = what you are if you have either or both Sleepyrighthandsyndrome Sleepylefthandsyndrome
PS2fanboyVirus = Can be bad, due to the fact that you sware blind that there is NO Crap PS2 games, and H3O is the best game you EVER played.
Tomuchsparetimesyndrome = Spending hours trying to convince everyone that Dr Katie Nadir From Time splitters was modled on Posh Spice from the spice girls.
AudioTomuchsparetimesyndrome = you select Ravelle Velvet from Timesplitters in a deathmatch, just to hear her prematch "saying", oh moan moan bang bang bang moan moan....
CheatingGitvirus = You have got this if you always pick Robofish in a Timespliters Deathmatch, due to the fact that he is so small and very hard to hit.
Oddjobvirus = same a above nut happens in the N64 goldeneye deathmatchs.
Jaggieitus = You look for jaggies more than you play the game , you sad git j/k.
Uponehogger = you are always player one , plus you always get to try the realy cool stuff first.
Catscandemention = you get this when trying to find and deliver ALL the Moggie mail in Final fantasy 9.
Quake3forlifevirus = Quake 3 will OWN YOU if you catch this !
theyouaretheweakestlinksyndrome = Newbies all ways feel the pain in a Free for All Deathmatch.
Walkofshameitus = You get this from :nerd:y store clerks when you ask to have a go at the latest demo.
DrunkmanAfraggin = Never drink and Frag people, you will just spil it when you telefrag.
DayshaOS = the fealing that you have intalled it once before
CrashOFobia = the Fear that your game will crash before you get a chance to save it.
TheMightyGitOFobia = the result of playing a Final Fantasy game, and getting killed Before you have had a chance to save it.
SequelFobia = All Tomb Raider Fans suffer this every time they buy a new one.
WasntmeFobia = the fear of your Mom or Dad finding downlaoded PORN on your PC
MatrixOFobia = the Fear of Lagging in a Deathmatch, that result\'s in your gaming skills looking p**h
SpamoPhobia = Fear sufferd by snipers on online games