Hot Dogs!
Think of all the possibilities, guys.
Imagine, a world of... hey what\'s going on?
Imagine a world with an endless supply of hot dogs!
You could have a hot dog anytime you wanted!
They\'d be so abundant they\'d become our currency! 20 hot dogs would equal roughly a nickel, depending on the strength of the yen, but you know what, I\'m getting ahead of myself.
Let\'s just keep praying that we can clone one of these hot dogs.
Hey, if you were a hot dog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself? I know I would.
First I\'d smother myself in brown mustard and relish. I\'d be so delicious.
So would you? Don\'t jerk me around guys it\'s a simple question. A baby could answer it.
If you were a hot dog, and you were starving, would you eat yourself?