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Author Topic: Hey Guys, My First Post! Finally able to REGISTER! I have a problem though.. :(  (Read 1453 times)

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Sorry to start off everything here on a bad note.. but I have a problem w/ my PS2.. and hopefully you guys can give me some insight on it.

I was playing DOA 2: HARDCORE when the system halted.. it was during a loading time between a battle (the screen was black at the time) and the disc was being read reptitively and after the time period was well past due, I had to reset... everything works fine now.  Can anybody give me some info on this? Is my PS2 on of the "lower-quality" ones? Any insight would be most helpful, thanks :)

Offline pstwo
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Do you leave you system plug in the wall all the time? Even if your is system off, is getting pre heated. I use a surge on my system so I just turn off the surge the system will have zeo power. No pre heat. It will stay cooler that way. Oh, clean off the dust on the front and back vents of the system also. It will let more of the air blow more in and out. I had lots of dust trap in the vent so I use a paint brush to clean it. Do this cleaning about 2 time a month. It works! :)
G.R.A.W 2
My MP7A1

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hey welcome

and i have had no problems with my PS2 - but it sounds like you have no real problem if it isn\'t recurring

if it keeps on happening then you might consider a solution but other than that i don\'t think you have a problem
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Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here.
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Offline RichG
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Hi, welcome to the forum.

I agree that since the problem isn\'t recurring your PS2 is fine. I mean one disc error here and there is no reason to panic.

If it does keep happening though on a regular basis then you will need to give Sony a call. However im sure theres nothing you need to worry about.

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Welcome GG, can I call you GG?  Hey ya know what?

Why don\'t you come to my chat?

\"In the last 12 months 100,000 private sector jobs have been lost and yet you\'ve created 30,000 public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecidented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.\" - Daniel Hannan

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Welcome aboard dood :D

Don\'t worry about the occasional lockup, these things happen sometimes. if it was happening frequently then i\'d probably
have someone look at it.
The Cocky Ninja Who Wont Quit..

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Thanks for the encouragement guys... I try my best to keep my PS2 in perfect shape cuz I\'m just anal like that :)

BillyGunn - Sure you can call me GG, I prefer you call me GG :)

Pstwo - that sounds like a good idea.. sure it will be a pain putting the PS2 in stand-by, turning off the switch in the back, then turning off the surge everytime, but I\'m sure it\'s good practice :) (I usually leave my PS2 on standby through out the day which is usually around 8 hours, I\'ll play off and on, I normally turn it off when I go to sleep.

Thanks again

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Welcome guy to the forums... problems with the ps2? nothing ;)
Todas estas cosas se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.

Offline ddaryl
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Golden Guppy

For the record you can and should leave your PS2 in sleep mode.


I have had 3 games freeze on me andits more attributed to game code then anything else. Don\'t worry about it unless it happens more often and regularly

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Originally posted by ddaryl
Golden Guppy

For the record you can and should leave your PS2 in sleep mode.


I have had 3 games freeze on me andits more attributed to game code then anything else. Don\'t worry about it unless it happens more often and regularly

Right. Though, if you are paranoid or something, you can turn it off and unplug it. Thats what I do. But, sleep mode is perfect. It is there for a reason.

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GG it is...
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2001, 03:29:42 PM »
GG, you have received some fine advice here, so all I want to do is offer my additional "welcome" to the fray.  There\'s likely no reason to be alarmed about your PS2 (unless, as was previously pointed out, it keeps recurring).

Have fun!  Game on!

-w1ngman     The Bruised Banana\'s Website

Picture this: Dave finds an available seat for his \"Aggressive Drivers Anonymous\" encounter group session.   Saying, \"Hello\" he sits amongst his support group of S2K owners...  Smiling, they rock ever-so-gently to and fro in their chairs...humming peacefully...drinking coffee...and rolling little AutoArt & Maisto S2000s across their knees.  At this moment, the group responds in unison, \"Hi, w1ngman!\" :D

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It\'s been working great today... no problems at all... the only problem I have right now is too much Calc and Physics homework :(

Offline Solid Snake 88
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School sucks eh? :P

Welcome to the forums.
\"Where\'d I put that C4? uh oh...\"

Offline w1ngman
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Good grades = $$$
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2001, 04:23:03 PM »
GG, keep up that studying.  Your brain will get you more games than you can imagine in the long run!  I\'m a 35 year old computer systems support desk manager & training supervisor.  I love the work and I love that its paycheck lets me play the games I like to play.

Also good that I have a wife that appreciates that I like games, too.

Anyway, keep up the good work.

My motto:  "Work hard, play hard" (okay, someone else probably "invented" that motto, but I like to live by it!) :D

-w1ngman     The Bruised Banana\'s Website

Picture this: Dave finds an available seat for his \"Aggressive Drivers Anonymous\" encounter group session.   Saying, \"Hello\" he sits amongst his support group of S2K owners...  Smiling, they rock ever-so-gently to and fro in their chairs...humming peacefully...drinking coffee...and rolling little AutoArt & Maisto S2000s across their knees.  At this moment, the group responds in unison, \"Hi, w1ngman!\" :D


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