Why is all these dreamcast punks hanging out reading and replying on this ps2 site? is it cause they\'re really jelous just cause ps2 is a much better console than d.c. ? I realize that X-box,and or gamecube possibly has some promise,but thats still yet to be seen, but dreamcast has already been out done and that has been seen! I guess thats why dc owners come here to this site to try and justify theirselves of having a second runner console. I guess that is why they come here,i mean ive never been to a dreamcast web site cause i have no desire to. i mean why go there and read about a secondary console? it dont even interest me , im sorry for those dc owners who tried but didnt get a ps2, but all you dc owners do is make fools of yourselves when competing with ps2. PS2 is definately the best console so far, no question about it!