Whell, actually, nO-One, nVidia\'s GeForce 3 incorporates a number bandwidth saving techniques similar to the ones used by its lower powered conterparts. These include Hidden Surface Occlusion, LossLess ZBuffer Compression (zero quality loss), Vertex Data Compresioin Techniques and of course, the age old thing we\'ve come to know as Texture Compression.
Now nVidia\'s aquisition of 3dfx\'s core technology came as the GeForce3\'s hardware specs were just being finalised to make way for work on its drivers. It\'ll be some time before we\'ll be seeing any of those aquired 3dfx technologies adapted for us in a nVidia chip. Hopefully, "some time" will turn out to be no longer than 18 months.
Regardless, nVidia has had success in enabling features in their devices, that were never in the original design specifications. I venture a guess the next major Detonator Driver release will incorporate a form of HSR and other performance enhaning improvements.