Those developers are standing behine Sony because Sony has the marketshare and why wouldn\'t they...thats how they make their money! I think your being just a little premature thats all.
premature about what?...that sony will be the winner and xbox has no chance in hell of winning in japan?
those are not opinions those are FACTS.
It\'s your opinion and you are entitled to it but I don\'t think I would write off any system at this point. The games shown were way too early to pass judgement on.
PS2 world-wide sales fall 2001:
that\'s a is also a fact that developers will NOT waste their time on a system that has NO user-base and NO brand regonition....after the games come out on PS2 they will go to xbox....hence the name port-box
If you show me those games in the same state on May 16th 2001 then I\'d say Xbox might be in trouble but it\'s way too early. Remember those are first party titles can you show me some good first party titles from Sony?
early my gona hype up an event you better deliver and MS did\'s time to stop the BS and show us what you got...
and again....even 1/2 of the power microsoft says xbox will have should destroy PS2....yet it don\'t...and won\'t
xbox hardware is xbox hardware...end of story.
Now to me first party or third party doesn\'t matter as long as you can play the damn game on the system! I mean many times do you say "ya I\'m just chillin out playing my third party developed Triple play".
i\'m not going to waste another 300$ for MAYBE better graphics and have to wait 6 months for them to get ported over to xbox...and no one eles will either;)