I think mine is nice and is in no need of an upgrade, but overall computers today just suck @$$. Here\'s why folks:
1) They are slow (I\'m talking in general, this includes having dual athlons, etc...)
2) Have incompatibility problems
3) Software is too damn expensive
4) Sh*tty M$ has a monopoly on OS\'s
5) They are too big
6) Too expensive (To own & maintain)
7) A pain to keep up to date
8) Too many useless formats
9) F*CKING SPYWARE & people always trying to sell you something
10) Demand too much of your time
11) Although today\'s society just about requires you have one, no one teaches you how to operate it proficiently. This is ludicrus for a piece of equipment costing over $1g. I\'m damn sick of teaching people how to use programs & optimize their setups. A computer is definitely not for everyone (yet)
You may think I hate computers, but I don\'t. Making your own CDs, playing games at 1600x1200, downloading free music, and meeting new people from across the world everyday are some of the benefits of owning a computer. I\'m just saying 50 years from now I really hope we\'ll all be looking back and saying,
"Damn! Computers were really f*ucked up back then, how did we manage???"