Sega Dreamcast
The first 128-bit console on the market is also the first to include successful online play. With such games as Phantasy Star Online and Unreal Tournament, Sega had a good chance of becoming the console leader. However, did it market the online play properly? I believe the deal was (at one point) that if you signed on for online play you\'d receive an (almost) free Dreamcast. A great deal if you ask me, but a little too late, because the Playstation 2, which also promised online play, was on the horizon.
Sony Playstation 2
As the shiny, blue box opens, you search inside... a system and a controller. No modem. Unfortunately for PS2 users online play had not arrived with the system. Once again, Sony will have to find some way to market their online play if it is to become succesful. They must find an adequate way for users to actually buy a broadband or 56k modem for their already-expensive system. There must also be a fairly good amount of online titles.
Nintendo Gamecube
The company that\'s doing the poorest job in marketing their online play would probably be Nintendo. It\'s just that it doesn\'t seem to be Nintendo\'s highest priority at the moment, and many believe we won\'t be seeing a modem until late 2002, or even the following year. It\'s a shame, because the Gamecube obviously has great liscences that would be a blast to play online (Mario Kart, Perfect Dark, etc.). We shall see at E3 what Nintendo has planned for the online gaming community.
Microsoft X-Box
The "Big M" is on the opposite end of the spectrum from Nintendo. The system will be released with a modem IN THE BOX, an obvious plus for the system, since no add-ons will be required to play online. This is also Microsoft\'s area of expertise, since they have succesfully marketed such online games as Age of Empires and Flight Simulator. So far, X-Box has the greatest potential in the online gaming area.
Final Thoughts
I want you to reply to this topic with either views on how each company is going online, and what you believe would be the proper way to market an online console. For Playstation 2 and Gamecube, the best way to market a modem at this time, would be to include one with a game. Nintendo could easily get the Gamecube online if they were to include a modem with a Mario Kart Online game (like StarFox had a Rumble Pak). Nintendo will have to be very careful, because they don\'t seem very interested in online play, but gamers are.