I like the way things are headed, at least right now. Awesome graphics, great competition, online gaming (I can\'t wait... i can\'t wait... gotta buy a dc), etc...
Soon I\'ll have the GBA, also, so thats good, too.
i would like to see nintendo go in the "non suck" direction
Don\'t worry, Clyde...
3-D Platformers - Mario 64 was a crappy game...
Opinion... and one that many don\'t agree with, I might add.
...and Nintendo really pisses me off by releasing Banjo and Conker and numerous others.
Well, if it helps you to calm down, somewhat, it was Rare who made Banjo and Conker--not Nintendo. Banjo, does play a lot like Mario, but really is a really different game (and many consider it to be one of the best platformers...). Conker... Conker... like Mario 64? How? Okay, the gameplay [and it probably uses some kind of modded engine, buts thats a given], but aside from that, Conker is very different (Believe me, I\'ve played it). It seems a lot, though, that Rare does release a lot of Nintendo copies.
Mario Kart was fun but Diddy Kong sucked.
Couldn\'t agree more. I love Mario Kart and I still play it today (multiplayer), but Diddy Kong sucked... big time. It did have some good ideas with interchangeable vehicles and an adventure mode, but... no thanks, Rare.
GoldenEye was fun for awhile but multiplayer got old.
Interesting... Most everyone I know was addicted to GE for a loooooong time.
The main problem with all the FPS\'s was your opponent knew where you were during deathmatches.
Hopefully, this will be a plus with online gaming... general fps comment...
I can\'t really name a single N64 game that was a must-have.
I obviously don\'t agree with you here, but everyone has their own opinions, right?
I\'d rather play the good ol\' NES, really, I would.
Funny... I was actually looking around for a NES that worked still so I could play some old classics.
When you come across those old gray cartridges like Super Mario Bros. and Zelda...