Originally posted by Clyde
i would like to see nintendo go in the "non suck" direction
Ha Ha, that is sooo true, my primate brother. :P
While I can admit that Nintendo is an industry leader, I\'m really sick of their products. *cough* Pokemon *cough*
3-D Platformers - Mario 64 was a crappy game and Nintendo really pisses me off by releasing Banjo and Conker and numerous others.
Mario Kart was fun but Diddy Kong sucked.
GoldenEye was fun for awhile but multiplayer got old. The main problem with all the FPS\'s was your opponent knew where you were during deathmatches.
I can\'t really name a single N64 game that was a must-have.
I\'d rather play the good ol\' NES, really, I would.