Well, let me put it this way:
You\'re waiting for your main dish in a restaurant. In what seems like forever, the waiter finally comes in with the dish, almost sets in on your table, only to take it back to add more seasoning. That\'s how I see Eternal Darkness, Dinosaur Planet, Earthbound, RE: Zero, and Too Human on the GC. These titles were running on finalized hardware (though I\'m not sure about Too Human) and in development for years with N64 (and PSX) tools, but they were pulled back at the point of release to be augmented to the GC launch. I know this is asking the impossible, but I would have liked for those games to have been released on their respective platforms, and new titles to have been made for the Gamecube. But you\'re right though Thy, that these are only a few of the second-party offering. The rest will be original titles; sorry about that.