After a night of drinking i got in a discussion with my mate about what programmes we used to watch when we were kids, Some of them i can remember very clearly, some are just bits of the programme. I can remeber uyless 31, i watched a bit on tele the other day and i remembered the opening song, also the part when the space ship split apart into three parts, that was so cool. I can remember the lost city of gold, but cant remember much about it though, i mainly remember a big gold flying thing, the " goodies" plane i think. there are other such greats as transformers, i really can remeber that, and spiderman, i loved that so much, but when i was young that was on bbc1 and soiderman and his amazing friends was on another channel at the same time....ohhh the choices. But there are others that i can remember parts of, such as a cartoon with these cars that could talk one was blue and the other was red, thats about it. also there was another i really liked, but cant remember much, all i can remember is tat there was 3 "goodies" 1 was green, he was the water specialist, 1 was yellow, a kind of land man, and the other 1 was blue, im sure his name was ace, he was the pilot. There costumes had all holes on it which there weopns stuck into, they said (something) extreme as they stood in a x shape, and the camera all went round them as the weopons stuck on them. there are many more,but i dont want to make this too long, so if you can remeber any of these or just to say something you used to watch as a kid put it down, also if you have any links to places that have stuff about things like this put them down as i have such fond memories about them, also to prove that i have not made these up to my mates:D