Xenogears! LOL, I never played that game. Although I heard it was an excellent game, I read/heard that it was a tuff title to find at a store nowadays. Better chance at a Funcoland or game/trade store. Anyway, Dark Clound looks like a Zelda clone in my opinion as well, which is a good and bad thing. I thought that Ocarina of Time had good gameplay, but a bid too repetative. I didnt like how every thing was based around dungeons. After you completed one dungeon, you knew you had to go to another one where as FF games, you never know what your getting into. I know that\'s how it is in every Zelda game, but again, its showing Nintendo\'s "Lets not be innovative" side. I did like the whole time travel deal, that was cool. Although I never played Majora\'s Mask, i couldnt tell you if it was the same or different. hhhmmm.......this is starting to turn into a Zelda review, better stop. Dark Cloud looks like it will be an excellent title, dont mind me, im just a stupid newbie.