Originally posted by EThugg
ddaryl:No, YOU missed MY point. Sure it makes financial sense. It doesn\'t make artistic sense. And most companies (including Square) want to call video game creation an art form. They need to treat it like one.
FF is not going to go against its proven formula
Thats what new games are for. Allowing FF to follow its roots and appeal to the masses that like them is sensible. Square has only one mission for FF, and that to make FF fans happy.
Square can and should create a few new non-sequel title that show off some innovative areas, and if these games become succesful then they become there own franchises
As for Artisitc sense, the lush 3D world will serve the artisitc purpose, along with cutscenes and storyline.
Now if Square does nothing but pump out sequels with better graphics then I will be pissed as much as the next hardcore gamer.
I have a feeling a radical change to FF to accomodate westerners would alienate Japanese consumers. Being that FF is succesful in all regions screwing with the balance would alientate one or the other regions which is the dillema of this type of game.
For expample MGS2 which the Japanese don\'t care for, and for Europe and AMerica its held isn high regard.
I was hoping they\'d make some changes to FF battle system. They made some minor changes but unfortunatley no overhaul.