I\'ll take GameCube over Xbox any day. GameCube will have extraordinary exclusive hits that just can\'t be ignored. Want some games to get you excited? Here ya go.
Mario or Luigi game
Eternal Darkness
Too Human( yeah you Sony whores remember this one..)
Perfect Dark 2
Dinosaur Planet
Retro\'s real time RPG
1080 2
Rogue Squadron 2
Resident Evil: Zero
Camelot RPG
Sonic 3( you know its coming

I don\'t think we\'ll see any of those games above on other systems(in fact.,I\'m sure of it since pratically all of them are from 1st and 2nd party developers). Sure Sony and Microsoft will copy Nintendo\'s ideas eventually with craptacular attempts at making a "killer" but you\'ll only see them shine on GameCube.