I have a good PC cause yes, PCs have many more important functions than consoles. Printing, burning CDs, internet. To be fair, though, to keep your playing the best games you DO have to spend a lot more than with consoles.
I bought my whole system piece by piece 2.5 years ago. At the time, it ran the most advanced games flawlessly, and was amazing. Now? If I want to play the very latest 3D games, in 1280x1024, at 60 fps, like I used to, I\'m going to have to upgrade. It\'s that simple. I will need a faster CPU, Motherboard, and Graphics Card. I\'m looking at like 800-1000 bucks (CDN). That\'s a lot of money to spend every couple years.
I\'ll probably upgrade my computer again soon. I do use it all the time, and I try and play games, but I think within a year I\'ll be putting a pretty much entirely new system together.
The sweet thing about consoles is that the games keep improving, just like PC games, but the developers are carefull to keep the games within the limits of a (cheaper) confined system. Look at the improvement between FF7 and FF9.
N64 (what, 4-5 years ago?) was 180 bucks. PS2 this year 450 (all prices CDN, divide by 1.5 for US), and it\'s the first system I\'ve bought in a while. Will probably be the last for another 3-4 years.
In terms of overall use, you can\'t beat computers. For gaming, it\'s best to choose one of the latest sytems and stick with it.