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Author Topic: Strengths/Weaknesses of GameCube  (Read 1077 times)

Offline ElAsesino
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Strengths/Weaknesses of GameCube
« on: April 17, 2001, 05:51:37 PM »

1) "Kiddy" Demographic
2) Very Well Known/ Own Most of the Well Known Franchises
3) Very Strong 1st and 2nd Parties
4) Better 3rd Party Support (than N64)
5) Can Survive With Weak 3rd Party Support
6) 2nd Most Powerful Console
7) Cheap Price
8) Offers BB or 56k
9) GBA helps to sell it


1) Average 3rd Party Support (Compared to PS2 and XBo
2) Third Parties don\'t give full support
3) Older Gamers Have Apathy Towards Nintendo/ No "Mature" Demographic
4) Only Plays Games
5) No BB or 56k out of the box

(NOTE: This is all from information that has been shown or released.)
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline IronFist
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Strengths/Weaknesses of GameCube
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2001, 07:39:36 PM »
You say that it\'s the second most powerful console.  What is this based on?  The CPU speed?  The amount of RAM?  I think the only real way to judge this is with the games, and since the NGC hasn\'t really shown anything, and most of the things that have been shown on the Xbox have not been impressive, you can\'t fairly say that the Xbox is the most powerful console.
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Strengths/Weaknesses of GameCube
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2001, 08:39:32 PM »
You pretty much listed all the strenghts and weaknesses of the GameCube so I\'ll just elaborate on them a little.

1) "Kiddy" Demographic

Some people may see this as a disadvantage, but its not.  They have this demographic all to themselves. Sony has pathetically attempted to cash in with this crowd( with shiitty games) but they have failed. Nintendo owns the kids. Sony or MS will never have them. And as long as Nintendo has them then the\'ll continue to make profit.

2) Very Well Known/ Own Most of the Well Known Franchises

That\'s damn true!

Mario is extremely well knowned.
The Pokemon frachise is by far the most profitable franchise in gaming right now. Gold and Silver are still selling strong. A Pokemon game that features a connectivity between NGC and GBA could sell a lot of consoles for NGC. Pokemon games are more popular than FF games in Japan...

The Zelda franchise has a cult-like following.

Donkey Kong, Metroid, Mario Kart, Perfect Dark... The names alone will sell system.

3) Very Strong 1st and 2nd Parties

Very true.

Nintendo survive the last generation because of their 1st and 2nd parties. No other console maker can do that.  I\'ll name all their 1st and 2nd parties so everyone will know in the future and I\'ll name some of their games.

EAD- Mario, Zelda.

HAL- I think these guys make the Pokemon games but I\'m not to sure on that..

Intelligent System( underated developer)- Fire Emblem, Paper Mario, and they used to be the Metroid developer.

Rare- Donkey Kong, Conker, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark( the sequal is on the way), and Banjo.

Silicon Knights- Too Human, Eternal Darkness.

NST- I think they\'re making the next Wave Race.

Retro Studios- Metroid, some kind of realtime RPG.

Factor 5( they\'re pretty much a Nintendo 2nd party)- Thornado, Rogue Squadron.

As you can see, Nintendo has some very talented 1st and 2nd party developers.

4) Better 3rd Party Support (than N64)

More 3rd party= more games.

5) Can Survive With Weak 3rd Party Support


6) 2nd Most Powerful Console

I don\'t know about that one...

I heard that there isn\'t really a significant difference between NGC\'s graphics and Xbox\'s graphics. The NGC could be more powerful for all we know. Wait till E3 to make your final judgement though...

7) Cheap Price

Cheapest price is what is should of said...

8) Offers BB or 56k

Yeah I guess so...

9) GBA helps to sell it

I for one think that this is a major advantage.

Every GBA buyer is a potential NGC. The connectivity between the two could be Nintendo\'s biggest advantage in this upcoming console war.

Bah, I\'m too tired to finish the rest. I know I look like a fanboy because I\'m not commenting on the disvantages but I\'m REALLY lazy.

Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow! ...


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