I hate the x-box!! I really do.
I dont like MS entering this world. I hate them for making me reboot my computer 2-3 times each day.
I hate the x-box because I belive its a step back.
I belive that the future should have computers with not much ram, because the bandwith will be so great that you just stream the info thrugh the computer. You will not need to store info, just a little.
I belive that the PS2 is one step closer to this, the x-box isnt.
I love new technology, the PS2 is that, the x-box isnt.
The Nvidia geforce thing is a fine piece of hardware, but not revolutionary, soon it will be forgotten.
They did test with the Geforce 3 vs The geforce 2.
the geforce 3 is optimized to work in resolution 1600x1200, in this resolution the card is unbeliveble much better than the Geforce 2. The geforce 2 is optimized for 800x600 in resolution, the GF2 is better than the GF3 at 800x600.(QIII, UT)
And I dont like the idea of putting PC hardware into a console.