Originally posted by Rasputin
Articulate is to verbalize as subjugate is to conquer. This concludes the vocabulary lesson I have so understandably paid to the three of you. How dare you verbally challenged simpletons challenge my authority on the English language!
The thing is your language is completely superfluous. Because of your weak grasp of the english language you clearly failed to notice what the underlying reasons for my rebuttal were. Whether the location of the words in your post is correct is not the subject of debate, but rather the fact that you seem bent on utilizing this highly superfluous language (big words some would call them) in order to impress other members of this forum. Clearly this is a device to create a facade, if you will, that serves to hide the fact that your posts have nothing of real value and that has not been stated before.
The basic idea your are attempting to communicate in your post can be summarized in a few of lines:
"I am not impressed by the shots of realtime cinemas that Square has been releasing. The gameplay shots are a lot less impressive. You should all be more observant when apraising screenshots. Gamplay comes before graphics anyway."
"Nintendo is my favorite company so I must defend it. Clearly they make excellent games, better than Square\'s, as many reviews have shown. And they are comitted to quality. How can anyone say such bad things about Nintendo ? It is blasphemy. You\'re all a bunch of fanboys sucked in by Sony PR. Of course if you\'re not a fanboy I apologize and admitt my mistake."
[EDIT] The logic of his statements seems to follow a train of logic similar to that of the ants in TH White\'s retelling of the tale of King Arthur; The Once and Future King, doesn\'t it?
This forum is not the American Journal of Medicine. You can simply say what you mean without the need of all this "fluff" (because believe me it fails to impress). Drop the act.
And I have no further interest in discussing this question so sit down and shut up.