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Author Topic: The graphical gap closing?  (Read 6870 times)

Offline Bozco
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2001, 08:13:18 PM »
even if zelda was a good game i would hate it just because of jumpman

Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2001, 08:22:45 PM »
I got to agree on jumpmans posts , it is not fair to compare FFX to zelda, BTW zelda is just a demo, a tech demo with no real gameplay AI or physics. And im sure that it will look much better now. We don\'t know what type of graphics GC really has, we\'ll see that at e3 ;)
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Offline kangu-G^Ltt^s
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Re: Perchance....
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2001, 08:32:13 PM »
Originally posted by Rasputin
Square has flabbergasted me with their semi-realtime cinema cycles.  If anyone actually bothered to notice, the in-game battle sequences are wholly less imposing when contrasted to the other screen shots.  Undoubtedly, I cannot be the only individual that took notice of this, for if I am, I figure you plebeians should really consider being more vigilant when critiquing graphics on a rigorous level.  With this remarkably perspicacious spiel avowed I am inclined to reaffirm that graphics should always be considered secondary to gameplay.  

I realize that the subsequent information is trifling at best, but nevertheless, to defend the honor of my videogame company of choice, I must articulate it.  In retrospect, one can clearly recall that Zelda has permanently subjugated the review charts; the latest case being Majora’s Mask beating FFIX in several prestigious publications, most notably EGM.  Additionally, Nintendo has lastingly upheld a tendency to provide gamers with memorable gaming experiences.  Zelda games of the future will prove to be just as remarkably stupendous as foregoing software packages.  With this in mind, how could anyone possibly conjure up enough courage to blaspheme a company as authoritative as Nintendo?  There is no viable answer to this question.  Sheer unwieldiness of fallacious contempt possessed by multitudes of Sony minions makes the fictitious seem factual to the unsuspecting casual gamer, and thus, the uncontrived casual gamer falls victim of a hellish scuffle of the spreading of misinformation (and ultimately becomes a Sony zealot).  I’m quite sure this is how most of you became Sony fanatics, for if my conjecture proves to be erroneous, then it is quite obvious that I am deliberately and wrongfully attacking gamers with a different console preference then my own.

Put the thesaurus down and back away, slowly. Seriously man, it\'s not how big the words are, it\'s how you use them. Clearly you don\'t know how to use the latest words from your weekly vocab list so just try to express yourself in your own words.
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Offline Faithdies
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2001, 09:04:14 PM »
I have to agree with Kangu, man.
A few of those words were terribly used.
Come on.
Seriously, that was pretty bad.

Offline IronFist
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2001, 09:29:11 PM »
Originally posted by Faithdies
I have to agree with Kangu, man.
A few of those words were terribly used.
Come on.
Seriously, that was pretty bad.

I was going to say the same thing.  I had to get a dictionary out just so I could understand what you were talking about. :)
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Offline Rasputin
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You are all quite mistaken...
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2001, 09:52:56 PM »
Articulate is to verbalize as subjugate is to conquer.  This concludes the vocabulary lesson I have so understandably paid to the three of you.  How dare you verbally challenged simpletons challenge my authority on the English language!
Respect your fellow gamers simply because they enjoy playing videogames just like you.

Offline Samwise
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2001, 10:42:10 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman
No one mentioned the fact that the Zelda demo was created in TWO DAYS from the ground up. Don\'t expect anyone to get realistic hair flow within two damn days. It was also running on imcomlpete hardware. Therefore, this is not a fair comparasing. It was also showned in Augest. That\'s last year! Stop your assuming and wait till E3.
Aw, what a load of crap. I\'ll bet ya it WASN\'T made in ONLY two days. Just like the SW-like demo... it wasn\'t made in 19 days as said some time ago - it was implemented onto the hardware in 19 days. Big difference! They had been working on the actual demo for 6 months. I believe it\'s the same deal with Zelda. NOBODY (!) can make something like that in just two days. If you seriously think that then you\'re in denial. I\'m not just talking GC here, it\'s the same for all systems - be it PS2, Xbox, GC or whatever. It is not made from ground up in two days!
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Regent Weber
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2001, 11:05:19 PM »
Rasputin, your futile attempts to obfuscate  and confound your statements, and the logical refutations thereof, will not shield you from those with a better grasp of the language then you will ever aspire to (much less attain..). The choice of trying to couch your statements in labyrthian language, obscure and convoluted verbal entendres, is obviously a misguided attempt to distract  from the inherent weakness of your statements and conclusions thereof.

The purpose of writing is the MEANINGFUL PASSAGE OF INFORMATION.You obviously failed miserably in your pathetic attempt at this. Equally deplorable is your lack of knowledge in the proper use of UBB/HTML tags to give additional gravity and emphasis to your statements. Further, your seeming inablity to properly implement in your post proper paragraphs for clarity of purpose and ease of use.  All of these point to the moronic attempts of some \'idiot child\' to pass himself off as some master of english, in a mockery of the actual purpose and proper usage of said language.

I hereby serve you with a warning. Desist from this path of foolishness, or I will humiliate you PUBLICLY for the outright fraud you are..
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Offline kangu-G^Ltt^s
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Re: You are all quite mistaken...
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2001, 11:06:37 PM »
Originally posted by Rasputin
Articulate is to verbalize as subjugate is to conquer.  This concludes the vocabulary lesson I have so understandably paid to the three of you.  How dare you verbally challenged simpletons challenge my authority on the English language!

The thing is your language is completely superfluous. Because of your weak grasp of the english language you clearly failed to notice what the underlying reasons for my rebuttal were. Whether the location of the words in your post is correct is not the subject of debate, but rather the fact that you seem bent on utilizing this highly superfluous language (big words some would call them) in order to impress other members of this forum. Clearly this is a device to create a facade, if you will, that serves to hide the fact that your posts have nothing of real value and that has not been stated before.

The basic idea your are attempting to communicate in your post can be summarized in a few of lines:

"I am not impressed by the shots of realtime cinemas that Square has been releasing. The gameplay shots are a lot less impressive. You should all be more observant when apraising screenshots. Gamplay comes before graphics anyway."
"Nintendo is my favorite company so I must defend it. Clearly they make excellent games, better than Square\'s, as many reviews have shown. And they are comitted to quality. How can anyone say such bad things about Nintendo  ? It is blasphemy. You\'re all a bunch of fanboys sucked in by Sony PR. Of course if you\'re not a fanboy I apologize and admitt my mistake."

[EDIT] The logic of his statements seems to follow a train of logic similar to that of the ants in TH White\'s retelling of the tale of King Arthur; The Once and Future King, doesn\'t it?  
This forum is not the American Journal of Medicine. You can simply say what you mean without the need of all this "fluff" (because believe me it fails to impress). Drop the act.

And I have no further interest in discussing this question so sit down and shut up.
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Offline Faithdies
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2001, 12:38:05 AM »
Kangu is mostly right.
But you still used "articulate" wrong.

"I realize that the subsequent information is trifling at best, but nevertheless, to defend the honor of my videogame company of choice, I must articulate it. "

You can not "articulate" something.
"articutate" is not a verb.
You can BE "articulate".
That sentence could be "articulate"
You can make somethink MORE "articulate".
But you cannot ,"I just articulated on your ass, mofo."

It just doesn\'t work.

Besides, other than that, that sentence made NO SENSE.
Break it down.

"I realize that the subsequent information is trifling at best,"
    Ok. Nice structure.

"but nevertheless, to defend the honor of my videogame company of choice"
    Ok. Still not bad.

"I must articulate it."
    Ok, assuming you can use "articulate" like you said you could, what are you going to articulate?
The subsequent information?
The videogame company of your choice?
You never specified WHAT you were going to articulate.

Im done.

Offline Metal_Gear_Ray
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2001, 02:39:27 AM »
aww what a load of crap, its not an english lesson (I\'m gald it isn\'t:)) can we get on with the original topic now?

there is no way someone (or a team) could make that demo in 2 days

unless the entire game engine models are already made beforehand (they just use the games code and models)
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2001, 09:28:34 AM »
Originally posted by Bozco
even if zelda was a good game i would hate it just because of jumpman

I thought you couldn\'t become more moronic but this post proves it.

I got to agree on jumpmans posts , it is not fair to compare FFX to zelda, BTW zelda is just a demo, a tech demo with no real gameplay AI or physics. And im sure that it will look much better now. We don\'t know what type of graphics GC really has, we\'ll see that at e3

You kind of missed something.

That Zelda demo is technically gameplay. Sure there was no AI or physics but that\'s irrelevant because AI and physics are handeld by the Gekko. The Flipper does all the graphics. The Zelda demo was running realtime on the flipper so it IS gameplay( technically).

Aw, what a load of crap. I\'ll bet ya it WASN\'T made in ONLY two days. Just like the SW-like demo... it wasn\'t made in 19 days as said some time ago - it was implemented onto the hardware in 19 days. Big difference! They had been working on the actual demo for 6 months. I believe it\'s the same deal with Zelda. NOBODY (!) can make something like that in just two days. If you seriously think that then you\'re in denial. I\'m not just talking GC here, it\'s the same for all systems - be it PS2, Xbox, GC or whatever. It is not made from ground up in two days!

Ok so maybe I streched things by saying it was made from the ground up but that\'s not the point!

They had the basic new Zelda plan for a long time, but they took the characters and put them in a demo in two days. THIS IS THE TRUTH! Yes, I lied before, sue me.

Offline ddaryl
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2001, 09:36:54 AM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

You kind of missed something.

That Zelda demo is technically gameplay. Sure there was no AI or physics but that\'s irrelevant because AI and physics are handeld by the Gekko. The Flipper does all the graphics. The Zelda demo was running realtime on the flipper so it IS gameplay( technically).

C\'mon the Flipper does not work independently. The Gekko still has to give all the command to the Flipper for it to know what to draw.

You logic is very flawed. The Flipper does all the drawing and adds the effects, but knowing what enemies are where what position the character is in what animation to run will all be done in the Gekko which will command the Flipper

Offline Bozco
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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2001, 12:11:28 PM »
Originally posted by Jumpman

I thought you couldn\'t become more moronic but this post proves it.

You kind of missed something.

That Zelda demo is technically gameplay. Sure there was no AI or physics but that\'s irrelevant because AI and physics are handeld by the Gekko. The Flipper does all the graphics. The Zelda demo was running realtime on the flipper so it IS gameplay( technically).

Ok so maybe I streched things by saying it was made from the ground up but that\'s not the point!

They had the basic new Zelda plan for a long time, but they took the characters and put them in a demo in two days. THIS IS THE TRUTH! Yes, I lied before, sue me.

Maybe I went alittle to far but i still wont like this game because I liked it during Nintendo days but not past that
But I really think you are ruining it because when i see that guy i think of all your stupid post im talking about your pic

Oh, and atleast i dont lie to make my fav games look better than they really are

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The graphical gap closing?
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2001, 12:32:06 PM »
Maybe I went alittle to far but i still wont like this game because I liked it during Nintendo days but not past that
But I really you are ruining it because when i see that guy i think of all your stupid post

Sorry, but I didn\'t really understand your post to well because  I don\'t speak gibberish. :laughing:

"I really you are..."???? What the bloody hell? You have atrocious grammatical skills.

Anyways, you\'ve been here since March and you have not seen most of my posts so you can\'t really make an accurate judgement on whether my posts are stupid or not. So please shut the hell up and stop making idiotic comments for your own good.

You really are a " sad little man". mm shouldn\'t of took that line away from your name because it still works now.


It appears that I have moron attacking me again... when will you gimps learn that you are no match for me?


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