What would be your primary concern
Graphicstexture compression, Max raw polygon count, lighting, nurbs, fractals..etc)
SoundDolby 5.1, 3d effects to fully immerse the player in the game and crap load of sound channels like 128 just to say
System Power Like up to 1.0Ghz including heavy duty Gigaflops or beyond double proccesors or tripple like saturn did
3DBasically a 3D powerhouse
2DThe Retro System...would being tears to Capcom\'s eyes, side scroller and platform fans everywhere.
Total System Memory Including but not limited to VRam, system bandwith, and hard drive(if necessary)
I\'m just interested in knowing Becuase if they let gamers design a console(on the contrary to what Microsoft says they did obviously ripping off the DC controller but that\'s another story all together) I think we all have good ideas on how our "Dream System" would be so please post your ideas.