The graphics are adequate, but not great. It\'s appeal lies in its addictive arcade gameplay. I enjoyed the game on DC for a solid 2 months before getting bored with it, and since it\'s identical, I expect no less of this version. Some people will find it tedious and short lived, I rather enjoyed it. It certainly stands out as a decent game in the currently mediocre PS2 library. Certainly in the top 10.
kopking- Please tell others what you don\'t like, so they can get both points of view, and make a informed decision.
My only problem was not being able to smash up stuff reall, like in Driver. Other than that, it\'s a fun, pick up n play arcade game.
I\'ll answer any other q\'s anyone has about it, but I think the game mechanics and such have been pretty much discussed in previews on sites and in mags.