I have not seen the moisture/reflectiveness in munch and it does sound impressive, although I wonder where you\'d see it during the game. The last still shot of munch I saw (from gamestock?) looked basically about as detailed as the PSX 2D version in a 3D world. So you could say I\'m way behind the times. After downloading the Doom3 video with 56k I was so disappointed I swore off trying to see what\'s up in running mode for a while, at least until after E3.
The fact is, in just the last week or two I\'ve decided that term fanboy is no longer so derogatory as I once thought. It just means, to me personally, the willingness to overlook possible faults, the tendency to look on the bright side of a chosen console. On the flip side the ease with which those willing to bait, name call, insult each others intelligence, and stretch the truth in order to score points for a chosen side is trollish behavior. I\'m willing to look the other way when it comes from a obviously pro PS2 member on a PS2 forum and tend to use the skunk eye when reading all else. So EThugg, don\'t take it as a personal insult if you hear the term xbox fanboy coming from me. Troll however...
On a side note; I\'ve been through Abe\'s Oddysee. Doesn\'t matter how good the graphics are, I won\'t be picking up the sequels. Anyone looking forward to the xbox version needs to give the original a try first. Just a friendly warning