Exactly my point. How does that make sense? You clearly stated that you do not want an Xbox because you do not know what it has to offer. However, when Ethugg tells you about people\'s responses to the games you say you don\'t care... because you are not interested in the Xbox? Don\'t you see the circle there?
Ok your missing some obvious information:
I have different preferences than everyone else. Good reviews or impressions never make me want to rush out and buy the game. I\'m fucy about games. Only the best gets in my house. That\'s why I don\'t care.
If you will not be interested in the Xbox until you learn more about it but then shrug of the information presented to you then why enter an Xbox-related thread? The only thing you will be able to do is state that you don\'t care and that you don\'t know anything(who does know about how the games will play then?).
I\'m not shrugging anything off. The Obi-Wan and Buffy news is bull**** to me and I explained the Oddworld thing. I just expressed my opinion( not knowing how the games will play so no Xbox for me). Relax. And don\'t mention my immature swearing and insulting in my last post. I was in a bad mood and didn\'t mean to go off on you like that. I just don\'t like having my opinions bashed.
"I have no interest in Too Human because I don\'t know enough about and I will not learn more about because I have no interest in it". That may be an opinion but it is a worthless one and I am sure it would drive you mad if someone said it.
1. I wouldn\'t care what someone else says about that game or any other GameCube game.
2. Its not a worthless opinion if they don\'t know what their getting into.
3. I should point out that I\'m not interested in the Xbox right NOW. My opinions could change since I\'m a openminded gamer. I had the full intention of buying a PS2 last year but decided to go with DC instead since the games were better(and I was once a DC basher too but all that changed).
I think you meant "out of context".
If you have something to say, then SUMMARIZE, you do not have to respond to every single letter of every word posted!
Whats wrong with you? Did a Donkey kick you in the penis while you were trying to rape it?

How many 3D games did HAL make before they put out Mario 64? Oh yeah, none.
Ugh, Hal did not make Mario 64, EAD did. Also, did you not read where I said some may make the change perfectly where as other won\'t? I JUST SAID ITS A POSSIBILITY, fool.
Can you be anymore of a lamer? Where is the troll patrol when you need them?
Yeah! I\'m a troll for not knowing who some Mac developer is and for not being interested in Munch or the Xbox! :rolleyes: