I saw the new trailer today in a real movie theater, and it was damn impressive. The editing was a little too fast to allow you take everything in, but I guess they figure that\'s the way they have to make trailers to keep people excited. You know, the want to use the MTV video editing style to remind people that this is also an action film.
I got to thinking... These computer generated characters look so real, will they appear in other films? I mean, could the cg character produce enough interest and empathy from the audience that the producer or director would reuse the character (as an "actor") in another film? Not just a Final Fantasy sequel, but something else entirely? That would really be fascinating. I think it will be quite a while before a CG actor can hope to generate the appeal that an outstanding well-known human actor could... BUT... it could shorten the careers of many lousy actors in hollywood who are cast only because of their looks. ahem... Catherine Zeta Jones...? She should be computer generated, because she certainly doesn\'t know how to act.