I got a second hand dreamcast a few days ago soley for the reason that the back catalogue is good. I don\'t have a memory card yet so I can\'t start to progress in the games I got with the unit but it will definatly be a good console.
I got the console with three games for £65 which is just more than one ps2 game. It is second hand but it is also in decent condition, it was a good deal.
So yeah I would recormend anyone to get a dreamcast.
I just hope a £65 dreamcast doesn\'t take over my £350+ PS2 console in terms of how much time I spend with it, otherwise I will feel I have wasted my money with the PS2. It might do this in the beginning but in the long run I don\'t think it will as some mint games are coming to the PS2 in the UK soon (e.g Onimusha and co, not to mention the games which aren\'t even out in America yet like GT3).