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Author Topic: Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!  (Read 4081 times)

Offline Knotter8
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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2001, 05:03:17 AM »
Lol, these pics don\'t blow anything away.
That racing game is imo just the same as Rockstars
Midnight racing. Phew , yeah maybe the Graphx will
get a teeny weeny better. But not close to GT3.
But anyway that\'s not the point. Judging from those
pics, this game is not gonna be a serious sim as GT3
so saying this will outdo Gt3 is wrong.
The football game pics : those Madden NGC pics look
quite as good.
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Offline Dr Yassam
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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2001, 05:28:29 AM »
Originally posted by Knotter8
Phew , yeah maybe the Graphx will
get a teeny weeny better. But not close to GT3.

The car + reflections in that second pic is awesome (looks even better when you save the pic and apply gamma correction to lighten it). Hence I look forward to seeing it in action at E3.

This game has improved alot since the early pics and will look even better upon release. Afterall, look at some of the early GT3 pics (when it was still GT2000)  from the game after atleast 18 months in developement.


Therefore whilst I wouldn\'t say PG blows away GT3 right now, it does looks awesome for a game so early in it\'s developement. However yes, they will be very different games, so it wouldn\'t blow away GT3 as a sim, but it may do so as a racer. ;)

Originally posted by Knotter8
The football game pics : those Madden NGC pics look
quite as good.

The NGC Madden pics I\'ve seen are quite disappointing, and doesn\'t look as good as this XBox game IMO.

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2001, 06:11:39 AM »
Dr. Yassam,

GT3 and the whole GT series have come a long way. From start I was impressed by the lighting in even the
early pics. It look as if it is real sunlight complete with
atmospheric effects. So car shading alone doesn\'t cut it.

Also the XBOX racer pics are at night. Devs can get away
with things easier when the scene is at night, than broad daylight..... but we\'ll see when daylightpics of this
game arrive.

And as pointed out, this game looks to me as an arcade
racer ( which is good in it\'s own right ), but as DDaryl said Gt3 is a very deep sim which cannot be compared THAT easily.
BTW. Halo and Munch look miles ahead of these pics. (with the exception of those NFL fever pics )
Knotter8 :)
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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2001, 06:25:15 AM »
But that\'s the point Knotter8, you\'re remembering GT2000/GT3 pics from a list of about 57,000 pics (joking) released onto the internet. These show a range of cars in a number of environments with numerous effects.

In contrast, we\'ve seen VERY few PG pics (the first were daytime BTW), since the game is just months into developement.

The first showing of GT2000 was during the Sony announcement of the PS2, and the demo was ALSO at night BTW with overly shiny cars!!! Recently I found pics of GT2000 from mid-late 1999 (lost the link right now), and they were far from impressive and had none of the sunlight effects seen in the game after 18 months of developement.

PG still has a LONG way to go. Sure Halo and Munch may look more impressive, but remind yourself, how long have these games been in developement!?!?! :)

Where I agree with you (and others) is that it will not be a driving sim like GT3 and therefore cannot be compared in the same way.

Anyway, I\'m sure you\'re looking forward to E3 as much as I am, so I\'ll leave this topic for now.

Enjoy the show!!!! :D

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2001, 06:39:27 AM »
Yeah that\'s what I said Dr. Yassam, let\'s wait till I
see some decent daylight pics of this game.

I always find kinda hard to judge night shots. To be honest I haven\'t seen many daylight pics of any XBOX
racer yet. ( yeah I got a mag on my desk next to me with some daylight Project Gotham pics, but they don\'t show atmospheric effects, yet. They still look a bit to "clean" )
All I can say is that I\'m impressed with the realistic lighting FX in GT3 and WRC 2001 on PS2.
And yess of course I Know Halo and Munch also go way
back since they started as PS2 potential games, right ?
Knotter8 :)
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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2001, 06:49:33 AM »
Originally posted by Knotter8
yeah I got a mag on my desk next to me with some daylight Project Gotham pics, but they don\'t show atmospheric effects, yet. They still look a bit to "clean"

Those must be the old PG pics from Gamestock (one month into the game\'s developement).


The pics shown in this thread are from the same game (Project Gotham) just a few months later.


Hence although the new pics show a night setting, there is no doubt that the game has improved since Gamestock.

And yess of course I Know Halo and Munch also go way back since they started as PS2 potential games, right ?[/B]

Munch - Yes.
Halo - No that started as a PC game, a PS2 port was just a rumour. :)

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2001, 07:24:58 AM »
I\'ll say this. Those PG shots look much better than the gamestock ones. However, GT3 still looks better IMO -- TheMistaWhoKnowsNothing -- what\'s your agenda here? Go crawl back into your cave and await the arrival of your xbox.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2001, 07:28:50 AM »
I think GT3 still looks better, but since I prefer arcade racers to boring ass sim ones, I might skip GT3 for PG if PG gets even better graphics before I pick up GT3.
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Offline BizioEE

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2001, 09:03:40 AM »
Originally posted by TheMistaWhoKnow


I always considered you a retard, BizioEE...

why? I was right...you are the only one retarded here...telling people to save money for the X-Box judging from 2 or 3 shots of an unknown racing-game :D


If you couldn\'t understand from the post, I was commenting on the graphics. Did I ever mention gameplay? I don\'t think so. So shut your trap and stop yappin\' before you think.

I can understand anything...I\'m not an Idiot like you...
the only thing people can understand from the post is that you are an idiot! (no offense...it\'s not your fault)
1) GT3 has better graphics than this game...and you said the contrary !

...""Um... to those crybabies who said GT3 was the end of the world... start saving your money. Xbox is here baby!

...try to explain to everybody the meaning of this ****-up...aren\'t you Retarded ?

So...please...go to Mamma and don\'t annoy people...

He has the power of both worlds
Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2001, 09:16:42 AM »
bizio, why do you always quote in such a weird way, no offence, but it\'s a bit unclear that way
i hope they all get aids and die they should bnt tbbe having sezx with just anyone they should be in love if theay are foing to have sex not just to make money I htink its wrong for them to just have sexzx for the fun of it specially when some of the performancs are married, its just wrong. tey are givng out deaseases to anyone and its just not right i tell you i think its really really wrong specially when tey have sex i dot whach porno though so im not sure what they do i dont theink theyr realy hjave sex its all just pretendnig but you never no what they do its just wrong speciallly when they dont even love each other its wrong i ell you in tsi just wrong. wtings owting wtrong wtongs wtongs. i dont like it. prlease explaions.

Offline Heretic
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TheMistaWhoKnow, is your last name Jack?
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2001, 10:20:51 AM »
BTW, where can I get some of those X-specs so I can see these pics beating GT3? Here\'s a tip Mista; calling ps2central members retard or moron doesn\'t make those shots look any better, broadcasts you\'re a troll, and in general reflects poorly on your choice of a favorite console.

The first image looks like they worked a lot harder on the graffiti in the background than on the car. I don\'t know that much about the gameplay in PG, is the idea to cruise around various cities looking at the sights? ;)

GT3s label as driving simulator is a bit misleading and I feel driving/racing RPG describes it better in the way rewards are offered for improved skills and upgrades. A true sim would make you pay for car damage, with automatic last place for a severe wipe out etc. In other words, not much fun for the average race fan. Just thought I\'d throw that out there since I still hear some say they might pass on GT3 giving the sim tag as reason why. If you gave the PSX GT a solid spin and were never hooked I\'m not about to argue.

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2001, 10:22:37 AM »
So far GT3 is much better graphic wise(as for gameplay that\'s a matter of prefrence) then again this game has a long way to go, LONG!!!! It\'s not even a launch title, they have plently of time to improve the graphics.

Although i must say for a system not even using final hardware, and still early in development, they are pretty PIMP!!! Just imagine when this game is complete, knowing bizarre, it will be absoultly stunning.

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2001, 10:23:51 AM »
Originally posted by SonyFan
TheMistaKnowHow, I hate to break it to you, but you are in the wrong bigtime. You said in the title that these pics blow away GT3.. and yet you tell Fastson to give the game a few months. Sure it\'s nit-picking, but it goes to show that you\'re not very consistent and makes it seem as though you\'re only posting these pics to get a rise out of GT3 and PS2 fans.

If you didn\'t read above, SonyFan, I am sticking by my opinion.  Personally, I still think it blows GT3 out of the water. I was (and still AM) underwhelmed by GT3, and the gameplay isn\'t all that. THAT is my opinion.  I stated the bit about waiting a few months because the graphics will surely be improved, and THAT may change HIS mind.

Originally posted by SonyFan

IMO, the graphics are gorgeous but not as good as GT3 just yet. There are a lot of effects that aren\'t complete, so it\'s natural that they can\'t compair with the effects in GT3. Little things like the realistic spray off the tires on a wet road or the way the light shines down from the streetlamps. Not to mention that the car models themselves (expeciall that BMW) don\'t look as proportionate and finely detailed as they are in GT3. Some of the effects you really can\'t infer from the screens anyhow because they aren\'t in motion.. like the way the car tilts on sharp turns. They just aren\'t quite up to par with Polypony\'s efforts yet.

And you are basing this on ONE SCREENSHOT??? Hmm.. I\'ll give you a shiitload of screenies of GT3 that don\'t look up to snuff...

You haven\'t even seen the game in motion, and you are claiming how it is "not up to snuff" with GT3... can you be any more of a SonyFanboy? What is Sony paying you to say this? Do you have your head way up their ass?

Personally, I have no clue how the game will play, that is why I DIDN\'T COMMENT ON THE GAMEPLAY. Stop making assumptions about gamplay. It would be premature to do so.

Originally posted by SonyFan

Sorry, give the game another two months at least before trying to rub them in peoples faces. Even if all the effects and details I mentioned WERE visable in these pics, they still wouldn\'t "Blow Away" GT3.. they\'d just be on Par with it.

Personally, I don\'t think GT3 is all that. But there will always be people who think it is the mother of all racing games that can\'t be touched (rolls eyes).

This is IMO, of course, and you are more than entitled to your own views.

But I agree on you on the aspect of its improvement in two months. This game has only been in development for around three months (albeit they had a lot of the code already written). Look how good it looks now! In a few more months, it should be a whole lot better!

And we all can benefit from that (even if you aren\'t going to buy the Xbox).  Developers pushing other developers to reach the limits of their potential! Sweet!

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Brand New Xbox Racer Shots!! Beats Gt3 Hands Down!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2001, 10:28:40 AM »
WoW!!  lOOk at the grass!!  The players look proportioned in size, more real looking. The only thing I don\'t like is the light fixtures on the top.  They look blury.  This is X-Box? :D

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Re: TheMistaWhoKnow, is your last name Jack?
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2001, 10:30:51 AM »
Originally posted by Heretic
BTW, where can I get some of those X-specs so I can see these pics beating GT3? Here\'s a tip Mista; calling ps2central members retard or moron doesn\'t make those shots look any better, broadcasts you\'re a troll, and in general reflects poorly on your choice of a favorite console.

The first image looks like they worked a lot harder on the graffiti in the background than on the car. I don\'t know that much about the gameplay in PG, is the idea to cruise around various cities looking at the sights? ;)

GT3s label as driving simulator is a bit misleading and I feel driving/racing RPG describes it better in the way rewards are offered for improved skills and upgrades. A true sim would make you pay for car damage, with automatic last place for a severe wipe out etc. In other words, not much fun for the average race fan. Just thought I\'d throw that out there since I still hear some say they might pass on GT3 giving the sim tag as reason why. If you gave the PSX GT a solid spin and were never hooked I\'m not about to argue.

Hey pal, my calling people a moron, etc. is my views of what they are, correct or not.  Perhaps I did go overboard on that aspect. How it makes me a troll I am not quite sure.

And what was my choice of a favorite console? I pleged no allegance to any console. I think PS2 has some great games, as does Gamecube and Xbox. You are entitled to your own opinion on games, whatever they may be.

Isn\'t that what this forum is about? Posting your opinions?


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