Originally posted by TheMistaWhoKnow
And you are basing this on ONE SCREENSHOT??? Hmm.. I\'ll give you a shiitload of screenies of GT3 that don\'t look up to snuff...
So why are you saying that this game "beats GT3 hands down," apprently based on this single screenshot as well?? I\'d say you\'re contradicting yourself a bit there, my friend.
You haven\'t even seen the game in motion, and you are claiming how it is "not up to snuff" with GT3... can you be any more of a SonyFanboy? What is Sony paying you to say this? Do you have your head way up their ass?
Again, have YOU seen this game in motion, or have you played it on a X-Box?? Obviously, you haven\'t. So what right do you have to say that it is graphically superior than GT3, or that it IS "up to snuff" with Polyphony\'s flagship title??
Oh, and don\'t go around screaming that someone\'s a fanboy without any reasons to back up your statement (As I once did.

) ; you\'ll get your ass burned. Besides, I expect a more mature attitude from someone who has a "degree in CE and four years of eduction in a University."
And we all can benefit from that (even if you aren\'t going to buy the Xbox). Developers pushing other developers to reach the limits of their potential! Sweet! [/B]
I agree. As everyone seems to saying these days, " \'Tis a wonderful time to be a gamer."