You read the preview of Jan on Onimusha ?
He kinda starts that it\'s all good and stuff, but he
immediately states that this game will hit NGC soon
and probably look better. Nice way too start a PS2
preview huh ? ( BTW this Jeroen they have seems kinda Sony positive though ! And J.J. is still mad at Sony for "hyping up
PS2 so much" ) I, myself haven\'t seen much PS2 hype here in the Netherlands, so what\'s the deal ?
About : I believe Niels \'t Hooft is at Playnation, isn\'t he ? And then there\'s Jurjen Tiersma
who is at N-magazine. I think tries to be an
unbiased multiplatform site, but if you read their members\' comments you\'d think you see Nintendo ! LOL
Btw . They still keep nagging about the jaggies on PS2.
Let\'s see P U next month. Maybe they will say all NGC presentations were realtime. \' Everybody in Benelux will
take that as being the truth ! \' :rolleyes:
Though I must say Nintendo has a good show with some
quality content. (I hope Rare will someday make a new Bond game instead of PD.)
What do you think about this , Metal Gear Ray and Politiepet ?