Originally posted by jaropkls
it is my firm belief that religion causes nothing but fear and hatred religion of any kind
i also believe that faith in a god of any kind is a sign of weakness and unintelligence
I agree to a certain degree.
I grew up in a highly religious enviroment, as I was a Jehovahs Witness. You could classify me at the time as a fanatic. During this time, I can look back and see that I was close minded to alot of things. I hated alot of people, like homosexuals, even though, the basis of any religion is not to hate someone. They tell you to love your neighbor as your brother, yet condem the same people for the choices they make, which in turn, breeds fear and hatred. It was a glaring contradiction, I noted in the religion.
I also noted that religion also takes away from ones personal self. I realized there was things in my life that I wanted to accomplish, but due to my religion I couldn\'t. There was also things I wanted to try in life, but couldn\'t, which includes dating out of my religion, growing my hair out, and other things. While they may seem trivial, they was big things for me personally.
I left the religion at 13, to much suprise of everyone. See, I was a true fantatic. At 13, I was spending all my time memorizing the bible, giving speeches, knocking on doors and aspiring to become an "Elder"--the equal of a preacher in the Jehovah Witness community. My mother was highly dissapointed, my grandparents, infact, pretty much everyone was.
Now, 5 years later I have to say I am happier then ever. I look back and think of the many things I use to hate when I was in religion, just because I was "suppose" to. The many things I would of missed if I had stayed in the religion, and the many people I would of never made friends with. I have met some excellent homosexual friends, who helped me overcome that blind hatred and taught me the true meaning of "free choice". I\'ve met a wonderful girl, who is highly religious, but respects my choice not to be. I\'ve also done plenty of dumb things , like getting drunk or trying weed, and I learned from them. These are all things I could of never accomplished if I would of stayed a fanatic, due to being taught to hate what the religion doesn\'t approve of and being blind to things.
The part I disagree with is the fact you think anyone believing in God is moronic. I won\'t argue if there is a "God" or not. It can\'t be proven one way or another. But, I do think religion can help plenty of people. I have seen alot of people who need the hope that there is something beyond this. Reading the bible, going to church, or whatever religious thing they do gives them that hope, and that hope carries them through the day.
Religion can\'t work for everyone. Some of us need the freedom. But some people need the control and hope religion offers them.
I\'d also like to make note that the word "fanatic" in my opinion is left up to personal interpation. What one person may see as extreme, another may not.