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Author Topic: So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.  (Read 2960 times)

Offline lestat
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2001, 11:34:01 AM »
Originally posted by Watchdog
I say get off your pulpit and and give this famboyism a rest.

I\'ve never understood this thing about console loyalty.  I\'m a fan of good games, and by all accounts Halo is a great game.  That is enough for me.

dude,  get off your \'fanboyism\' crap...i nor datamage is a fanboy of any freaking console...i own a dreamcast,  ps2 and will get an xbox this february when jet set radio comes out...and i might also get a game cube now that RE is coming out for it and looking so awesome....

no where on my statement do i defend any other console nor do i bash the xbox so shaddap!

if you know the difference between 30 and 60,  then why are you so content with 30 when  nowadays,  with all these powerful systems,  all games should be running at 60?

now honestly,  i do not want to play FPS on a console...thats why i have a PC where i can use my mouse and keyboard and run it at a HIGHER resolution....but if FPS will be out on consoles,  then they should atleast be at 60 so that  they could atleast give the PC\'s a good challenge.
-- i\'m just having too much fun arguing with you losers. --

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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2001, 01:48:22 PM »
My only point is that 60 fps is not going to make or break a game.

I\'m not criticizing an entire game because of framerate.  I\'m not defending the xbox or any other console for that matter, I\'m speaking out against the number of people who bash a game or console because of a minor framerate issue.  Yes it is minor if in fact it is at a steady 30.  If it spikes and plunges then that is a major issue and is intolerable and I\'ll be the first to voice dissatisfaction.  

Yes locked in at 60 is ideal, and possibly, in the future, we\'ll get games like that, but it\'s never been a possibility before and it doesn\'t seem to be now.  Whether this is a hardware or human problem is difficult to know, but during the lifespan of the xbox we\'ll probably find out.

My point is that from the description of the game, it far out-performs any game I\'ve ever played on a console and possibly PC.  That includes any game I\'ve either purchased or rented for the ps2.  There is something to be said for that.  There are many (positive) things to be said about this game (by all accounts) that picking on it for this is unfair.

Under usual circumstances, Q3 runs at 60 or better on my machine.  But put 30 characters on screen at a time in an intense firefight and then check you framerate.  It dips noticeably.  Let\'s not forget this is an ID engine too.  Let\'s not forget this is a $2000 machine.
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Offline Falcon4
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2001, 04:09:07 PM »
yeah well i saw halo die in my mind when it was announced that it wouldnt be online.  all hopes for the game died really quickly. cuz that wouldve been the best part of it.
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2001, 05:02:28 PM »
Originally posted by Falcon4
yeah well i saw halo die in my mind when it was announced that it wouldnt be online.  all hopes for the game died really quickly. cuz that wouldve been the best part of it.

The game could still be shipped \'net ready. Because the information has already been sent out... They could be low key about it.

If they dont ship it \'net ready... They could do like Itagaki\'s doing with DOA3. Give gamers a patch(Yes, I know what was said before about patches and mods on the Xbox months ago when nobody believed in it, but c\'mon... If it means getting HALO online, I\'m all for it. :D) when the Xbox is ready for internet gaming, and you\'ll have the best version of HALO everz. :)
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #34 on: September 15, 2001, 05:45:20 PM »
they made an official statement abou ti tnot being able to be online because microsoft didnt have the information ready for internet access when they made the game. they said it would be able to be playable via LAN, but other than that, no internet.
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2001, 06:50:18 PM »
Xbox Online Network UP AND RUNNING! :)

Like I said before, the information has been sent to developers, now its up to them to put it in. This information was sent out a couple of weeks ago, and Bungie has yet to comment... Its really up in the air, but the game could ship \'net ready.

And they could use a patch like Itagaki San\'s doing with DOA3... Bungie can do it. If they choose not to, they\'ll be pissing off a lot of HALO fans who wanted the online experience(That includes myself). -_-;
\"Heh... You got burned.\"

Offline Watchdog
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2001, 06:55:34 PM »
Whie online is cool, the fact is the majority of players don\'t go online.  So it won\'t be a priority for them I don\'t think.  It\'s too bad really.  They could re-release it with online fuctionality, Sega did that with some of their software.

IMO, the online issue is a huge dissappointment (I had forgotten about that detail).
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2001, 06:24:02 AM »
Originally posted by Nu Gundam
Xbox Online Network UP AND RUNNING! :)

Like I said before, the information has been sent to developers, now its up to them to put it in. This information was sent out a couple of weeks ago, and Bungie has yet to comment... Its really up in the air, but the game could ship \'net ready.

And they could use a patch like Itagaki San\'s doing with DOA3... Bungie can do it. If they choose not to, they\'ll be pissing off a lot of HALO fans who wanted the online experience(That includes myself). -_-;

there was somthing on ign that said that bungie didnt have the information it needed when they could have put it into the game. i dont think that they will put a patch on the game, as there arent really that many people with broadband as they expected earlier.

i dont know, its pretty much up to the developers, as you said, but i dont think that bungie will do it, but we will see.
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2001, 10:14:54 AM »
yeah, but Sega did that with an add-on, this puppy is built in, and the network is up, they would be fools not to do it.

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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2001, 11:20:18 AM »
Hmm....this whole "Should a next-gen console run games at 30 fps or 60 fps" imo points to a larger problem that\'s going on with gamers and the relationship with this latest generation of games and consoles and why there has been so much disappointment in both.

If the launch of the DC can be considered the 1st in the begining of the newest gen and the PS1 and N64 the last gen, let\'s look at what manufactures have said or more importantly what they haven\'t said. I personaly can recall no press conference, no press scripts and no claims by any one that all next-gen games are guaranteed to run at a constant 60 fps, b/c that\'s an impossible promise to make. Sure most games could probably run at 60 if the devs were and are willing to sacrifice some of their personal vision that they have for their game but most aren\'t willing to make that sacrifice. On the contrary most have said that even with this latest hardware, they are still limited as what they would like to acheive.

So where did this idea that this latest gen of games should all run at 60 fps come from in the 1st place? This idea came from the fans themselves. Their own imaginations have made them believe that all next gen games should reach the "holy grail" of 60 fps and now some are disappointed b/c reality is never as good as what we believe it should be. It would be different if MS, Sony, Nintendo and all devs said "We catagoricaly and unequivocably guarantee that NO game will run below 60 fps, but to my knowledge this hasn\'t been the case. Because we WANT these things to be, we feel they SHOULD be but that is not the reality at this point. No, the reality is some games will run at 60 fps and some games won\'t. If it were left up to my imagination, we\'d all be playing realistic holograms like they did in the 1st Star Wars movie but we probably won\'t see that for a loong time yet.

That\'s just my two cents worth, but what do I know, I\'m just a casual gamer that takes everything about this generation with a grain of salt.

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Re: So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2001, 11:19:17 PM »
Originally posted by datamage

@ or close to.. Meaning it still chokes from time to time. So much for the promised 60fps. Yup, I\'m sure in the 2 mere months (really less) they have left they\'re gonna double the framerate. Unstable framerates here we come.


/ dm /

I\'m still getting the box, just not @ launch.

Who cares about frames per second as long as there isnt any slowdown like a lot of first gen PS2 games and the graphics are awesome with great playablity.

I never critized PS2 games because they were at  30, only when they had slowdown and crappy graphics.

Looks like awesome fun and awesome graphics and I can\'t wait to purchase it. :)

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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #41 on: September 17, 2001, 02:01:15 AM »
"One last thing; is anyone else dissappointed with the ps2 version of Halflife? Marginally better graphics, 10 multi-player maps, only 2 player head to head. 50-60 FPS (source ign). This is a four year old game, certainly they could have added 4 player split screen, more multi maps and graphics that are up to today\'s standards. I wish sierra would stop milking a tired game and focus on something new." - Watchdog

Sierra didn\'t make Half-Life, that\'s Valve\'s doing. They are, however, responsible for strongarming Valve into making noumerous add ons and versions, usually with increasingly lacking funds and timeframes which negetively effects quality in the name of decreasing the bottom line, because they know that will sell regardless anyhow. And hey, after making a bonehead move like laying off some of the best talent you\'ve ever had with one unthinking stroke of a pen.. many of whom are founders of the company, thus alienenating all prior fans... I guess you gotta milk a winner for everything it\'s got cause you never know when, if ever, the next hit will arrive.

IMO, Sierra themselves hasn\'t made a decent game since 1999. Anything good and original to have come out of there was made either by contracted companies or subsidiarys like Dynamix (Tribes) and Valve (Half-Life). Sierra themselves, grow more known for cheap "Civilization" rip-offs and and Bass Fishing/Bull riding games every day.

Remember also, that Sierra really isn\'t in contol of their own products anymore either. They are owned and operated by Credant.. who in turn are owned and operated by Havas.

(Why, oh god, WHY couldn\'t Sega have bought Sierra/Credant instead of Havas????)
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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2001, 06:58:23 AM »

Gearbox is the one handling the HL port to the PS2. Valve is busy working on some extra stuff for HL, and of course the highly anticipated Team Fortress 2.

Docwiz - I\'m glad you managed to reply without any kind of flaming. I appreciate your opinion, but I will still be disappointed. Let me reiterate that I\'m disappointed in any game for any system that runs @ 30fps. Not just Halo. The framerate won\'t stop me from purchasing a game that I want, but I would always want 60fps.

/ dm /

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So much for *cough* un-finished hardware.. Halo still running @ 30fps.
« Reply #43 on: September 17, 2001, 11:57:53 AM »
well i dont know, i just downloaded that really long movie of halo, and man, it is smooth. smoother than a baby\'s bottom.

i think that it wont look bad at all.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.


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