I wanted to buy an xbox for my brother for christmas. I called Toy R\' Us in my area and they said of the third shipment, two are left and he wouldn\'t hold one for me because they are in high demand. Needless to say, when I got there 45 minutes later both systems were gone. They had half a dozen GCs there (shipment #2 I\'m told) and they too are in high demand. I actually watched one get sold.
So I would say it\'s just you.
N and MS are going to sell every system they ship this year, just because you say the hype is dying down doesn\'t make it so.
This paranoia is senseless. The PS2 is not threatened by these new systems. The userbase is there and so will the games. Open your minds and accept that the new systems might actually be good and desired by others. Even if both new systems out pace PS2, the PS2 will not be abandoned by devs because there is too much money to be made.
So please, stop all this fanboyism.