Originally posted by Watchdog
I too doubt that xbox will ever catch PS2--this year or four years from now.
But in 2-3 years how many of the 50 million PS2 owners will still be actively buying software and playing their system? Many of those early adopters will have purchased an xbox or GC, and assuming 3rd party practices stay the same, with the choice of the same game on PS2 or a competing console, which console will they buy the game for?
oh boohoo, you are relying on hope here. current third party practices stand that PS2 gets the most/best games (IMO
) and XBox will get them later.. casual gamers DONT WAIT for the version, they will get the version that comes out..
and besides..
casual gamers wont have more than one console..
PS2 does, and always will have too much going for it.. whether you think XBox has the advantage or not in this regards, is pointless.. who will they buy the games for? PS2.. thats the console they will own
I know if I had a choice between a PS2 game and an xbox version, I\'d chose the xbox version everytime. It\'s just better (with very few exceptions). Right now the PS2 has mindshare and many of the new games first, but the latter isn\'t going to last forever, we all know that. What would happen then?
you dont know jack squat.. you know that if XBox continues to sell like complete CRAP, PS2 might actually INCREASE in this regard, you are relying completely on hope and no factual data Watchy.. if anything i\'d say my scenario is more likely..
but i dont know that for sure, we can only wait and see..
There are already rumblings that GTA4 will be released similtaneously on all platforms (or even that MS will buy the rights for it). So someone looking for a new console, that are priced the same, is going to buy which system? If the only difference is performance, why not go for the best looking/playing game?
rumblings my ass (no pun intended
get over it, they will go with what they hear is better.. not performancewise, but just the games, the name.. the satisfaction
just like PSX last gen, PS2 this gen
should continue to do well
this is already showing itself in that PS2 is outselling XBox at a VAST MAJORITY.. your hoping that PS2 sales slow WAY down and XBox sales pick way up?? and if this was the case that Sony\'s sales would slow to a hault? please Watchdog, too much hope buddy.. just watch
So I don\'t think xbox will ever have a larger userbase, but that isn\'t really important. It\'s the active userbase that is. Of course things could keep going like they are and xbox will remain a distant second for the duration, but the possibility is there.
ok ok ok, the possibility may be there.. but c\'mon.. ugh
Either way, I have both consoles and it matters very little to me--although, I\'d like to hear from some of the people here if that ever comes to pass.
Truth be told, if I were to put my money on a company, I\'d go with Sony everytime. I\'m merely pointing out that there is a possibility and that total userbase isn\'t the only important factor.
*grabs popcorn and watches the story of the console war unfold with watchdog resting on his shoulder*