Originally posted by Paul
I\'m not gonna argue with you about owning the forum and crap like that.
I understand you\'ve muslim friends...and in the US?? Of course, they\'ll not do anything to offend you, this is NOT theier country!!!
The correction to your statement is that llike maybe 5% of the muslim population is NON-FANATICAL. You haven\'t been to many Muslim countries haven\'t you??
Do not judge on what little knowledge and small perception you have.
I have too much of a headache right now to argue with you but will make some quick statements. The muslims that are here is their country. If they filed for citizenship and got it granted to them, so therefore, according to the US Constitution, they have just as many rights, like to vote, bear arms, hold government office (unless they immigrate, then its harder. They can really only get on a town commitee or something around those lines), enter the military, ect. And I haven\'t been to a muslim country. Hell, I don\'t like to leave my house. And as for little knowledge, screw you. I\'m not going around saying we should take away Muslims rights. Islam is (last I heard, like 30 or something percent followed by Christianity as a whole) the religion most of the world choses. Now, according to your 5% statistic, that means, like a billion people(rough estimate....very rough. Probably more like 5-6 hundred thousand people) (muslims) are fanatical. If that were true, there would be so many more Osama Bin Laden type people out there trying to destroy America and the western world or anyone that speaks out against them. And since we are correcting eachothers posts, you have capitalization errors in Muslim (although I do too but I\'m too lazy to hit the shift key right now), screwed up like, its not "llike" and their has only one "e".
I\'m not gonna argue with you about owning the forum and crap like that.
When I said luckee owns you, it was a joke :rolleyes: Don\'t that that stuff too seriously.